From Emo.. I wouldn't be, if it stayed at around 1499, sold a tons of them, got some good user reviews with few bug/reliable complaints, then increase the price for the XMC-2.
Good to know we agree on something.
By the way it is not the 24 vs 32 bit I referred to , it is more to do with the general specs such as S/N, THD+N, Dynamic range etc. I am sure competent designers/engineers can implement the overall DAC scheme well enough that any specs differences between mid to high end DACs will not become audible, but for just literally a few dollars more they could have completely eliminated one potential talking point. You just watch, some of those silly audiophiles (not me
) will talk about exactly that as though it is a big deal. In that regard, Oppo is the smartest.., for $1,299, lots of people, including me, thought the 105 is one of the best available/affordable media player today.