I really am not sure where you get your ideas from. There are so many speaker manufacturers using aluminum cone drivers for both mid bass and bass I couldn't begin to list all of them but I will give you a few and also let you know about a thing called Google. Canton-Seas- Paradigm "S" Series- Aurum Cantus- Thiel CS-2. Aluminum is a very desirable and effective material for use as a electromechanical transducer. Neither you nor I have any idea what changes a speaker company implements during its life span since I doubt they deem it necessary to apprise all of its customers of the changes they implement. No one speaker works for every set of ears in every room, anyone with a bit of audio knowledge knows the effect and importance a room has on a loudspeaker. Many articles have been written about room treatment. I realize you owned axioms, they didn't work for you in your room, but quite honestly the human auditory memory is severely limited at best yet you go on and on about speakers you haven't heard in over a year, speakers I might add you once praised. Further more Andrew Welker is a highly reagarded speaker and amplifier designer, Bryston is also a well regarded brand and they both seem disagree with your opinion, which that's all it is since you are not a speaker designer. Reading a cookbook doesn't make you a cook, nor does reading bits on the internet about speakers make you a speaker designer. No matter what measurements tell us, a loudspeaker isn't good until it sounds good. – Dr. Floyd Toole To me and many others we feel our axioms sound good, are they the best? No. are there better speakers Yes? Are there worse speakers, absolutely .