jinjuku is dead on with his statement, and I would strongly recommend that you do indeed perform a comparison for your own mind to know. A single blind test of the cabling, where you have a friend switch standard 12 AWG cable with the cable you are using now. See how it goes with testing of inexpensive cables vs. premium cables. Generally speaking, people can't hear any difference, but if you visually see the cable, and if you aren't comparing the same source, with the same speakers, in the same configuration several times over, then you are going to lean towards the cables that you picked out that cost a lot of cash. Instead, you want to allow sixty or ninety seconds between testing cables and have someone change them out randomly. Sometimes change them, sometimes not. So you don't know what you are listening to. If you can pick out the premium cable 90% of the time, then they are delivering some sort of sonic difference... which is darn near impossible, but may be something your hearing allows for... somehow. When you stand next to a friend and say "Hear how much better this cable is compared to this one?" - they tend to agree, and may even hear it. It is a common tactic used in sales because it works. But, it doesn't make it real.