Hi fmw,
I was initially using this old QED silver anniversary XT cable that I didn't know initially that it was any good at all because they came with speakers that I've purchased off ebay. I then purchased this A-grade (my hifi dealer mentioned) cables, so I thought they might improve the sound quality of my system and I tried to compare them. How I tested it was that, I've set the sounds from a mono source and had my cables wired each to one speaker (qed to the left and the other to the right). Then what I did was that I stood in front of each speaker while playing the track again and again and after listening to the tracks, I discovered that the sounds were presented with more clarity with the QED cables not muddy and mushed up together when I compare them. Then I had asked a friend of mine to listen to it and had asked which he thinks was better and he agreed with me. That's what led me to the question of whether these old QED cables was any good. Anyways thank's guys.