Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Slumlord
For all I know, they're in the hot sauce. They seem to just materialize.
They are probably coming from those buzzing transformers you have boxed up.

Bzzzzz ... Hmmmmmm ... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D


Audioholic Slumlord
You're a special kind of b*stard. :D
I have my moments but you really should look into getting rid of those ... I mean the bugs. Those things might become air borne after an overnight gestation period. You don't want that. I think you need a special permit to run an aviary.


Audioholic Jedi
Man, I'm trying! I honestly have NO idea where they are coming from. I clear them out, and then come back to find them places like the lip of the toilet bowl...with no stragglers or evidence of a point of origin. And they crawl, so they had to walk from somewhere.


Audioholic Slumlord
Man, I'm trying! I honestly have NO idea where they are coming from. I clear them out, and then come back to find them places like the lip of the toilet bowl...with no stragglers or evidence of a point of origin. And they crawl, so they had to walk from somewhere.
The lice scenario is pretty freaky. Suddenly I'm not so interested in that 2 channel. :eek:

I'm sure you know more about bugs than me but if they're like those little sugar ants a bait w/ poison might work. Can you get a picture of one? Ewww ... that sh!t creeps me the f^%& out. The whole outdoors is pretty much useless. It's hot. It's cold. It's dirty. There's animals. There's bugs ... scorpions and snakes.

I'm never going out there again.


Audioholic Jedi
I tried with two different cameras to get a picture. I can't get them to focus on the bugs because they are just so small. I'm sure that I'll try again, though. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm off to bed but I can't believe the auto link thing f^%&ed up my use of the word f^%&. It took me a long time to establish that convention and now it's all ... well, you can see where this is going. I want to dream about ... anything but f^%&in' bugs. Thanks. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Looks like tons of fun...


20 pounds of seed a day? Your almost up to the level of Rick...


Audioholic Warlord
Do you consider this old technology? Is this a good keyboard for a phone if you don't fancy on-screen keyboards?


And now Adam is infested with lice.

Now I know Nikki got the worms from his toilet.


Audioholic Jedi
Geesh, I'm starting to sound like Craig with all of my bug talk. :eek: :D

I think my main source of unease (if you can even call it that - these things aren't keeping me awake at night) is that I don't know what they are, so I don't know if they present any danger to Niki. I've been keeping her out of that bathroom, but they were in there with her for a little under a week before I realized it. I know this because what I had originally thought was dirt/plant matter in the toilet (Niki goes out, lays in the dirt and weed bits, and then some of that gets in the water that she drinks) turns out to be these little bugs. Btw, I don't use that toilet and keep it clean just for Niki. :) I don't know if she ever drinks out of it, though. Anyway, so she was in there with them for several hours, and she hasn't been scratching or anything. I'm sure that they've gotten on me, and I don't feel itchy. So, I doubt that they are harmful, but I'm bothered by the shear number of them. I also can't stand that I don't know where they are coming from, so I don't know how to stop them.


Audioholic Warlord
I really feel sorry for you Adam now, I hate this stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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