If the buzzing is coming from the amp itself and you've unplugged everything else, you may have an issue called DC offset that is typically caused by dimmers and microwave ovens in the home. The second cause of DC offset can be a slightly loose transformer in the chassis. There's nothing you can do electrically in your home to correct the DC offset issue. However, you can address it at the amp itself by getting the Emotiva CMX-2 Line Restoration and Common Mode Filter System:
CMX-2 Link. You can view the product details here. This unit specifically addresses the issue of DC offset. The key here will be to plug in the amp with nothing else--including the speakers--connected to it. If the amp buzzes, then you likely have DC offset. For $99 it's a simple fix. There are other home-grown solutions available online, but this unit from Emotiva is relatively inexpensive and will do the job.