Hey Jeffrey, I trust the dual XS30s are working out okay?
Actually, even in his larger room I think a single XV15 will work out really well. If we assume corner loading and a listening position within say 4-6 meters...so are looking at true extension <20hz and clean output capabilities (at the seats) of 112-118dB. And in the "meat" part of the frequency spectrum (where 99% of all music and video game bass is)...he can expect an easy 115-121dB of headroom.
The counter intuitive aspect to all this is that the above performance estimates would hold relatively steady whether the room was 4000, 6000, 8000,10000 cu-ft. The primary variables are the sub location and distance to seating. The room size is almost secondary.
Tom V.
Power Sound Audio
Hello Tom, you trust correct my friend, the XS30's are putting out some deep heavy clean sound, rocking the rafters, I finally got them located correctly and dialed in, my oh my what a difference a day makes. They have been begging me to relocate them so they could really shine and sometimes it is scary, especially the subterranean rumble (growl) so to speak. I can attest to the OP that that single XV15 may surprise you in that cave of yours, I had two in my space for awhile and used just one in a 3000 cf area and was amazed at the clean room filling output just as Tom says, I really miss those XV15s but the XS30s really help me to forget. I'm still dying to try dual XV30s in my place

, that will really make the missus happy. Hey I just got her some new powered desktop monitors that she is crazy about, she is coming over to the dark side, I knew she would, persistence prevails. Take care my friend, talk again. I need to ask you Tom about two pegs, I forgot, I will send you a shout.
Cheers Jeffrey