Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Jedi
So, I'm checking out at the grocery store yesterday, and the woman in front of me is slowing down the process by asking the checker to make sure that the sales price is used on a number of items. First, just look at the can see what the price is. Second, this seems to have been caused by a horrendous experience at her last shopping trip in which an item that should have been 50 cents range up for...wait for it...59 cents. "She [her last checker] fixed it, but if I hadn't noticed..." - you'd be out NINE CENTS. I almost handed her a five and asked her to roll the dice on this trip, but it turns out that I'm really not that big of a douche in person.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I almost handed her a five and asked her to roll the dice on this trip, but it turns out that I'm really not that big of a douche in person.
Just move to NY for a few months and we will fix that for ya.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm listening once again to an audio book by Brian Greene on infinite universes. I think that I mentioned it before, but one of the concepts is so cool to me.

Here's the gist: given a finite number of types of particles and energy states, there are a finite number of combinations that can occur. That number is enormous - but finite. If the universe is infinite, or if there are an infinite number of finite universes, then there will be an infinite number of identical combinations of particles/states. Bored? Okay, here's what that means - right now, there could be an infinite number of yous reading this exact post thinking about an infinite number of yous reading this exact post. That's pretty amazing to me. There are also an infinite number of alternatives in which one or more things is slightly different - one or more decisions that were made differently in your life, for example. Also, an infinite number of alternatives in which things are dramatically different - like, an identical world, except no you. Or, no us...or no life...or no Earth...or no solar system...and on, and on.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, I've managed to slack for long enough. Time to get cleaned up and grab some lunch for Niki and I. Ham sandwich for me, straight ham for her. Mmmm.


Audioholic Slumlord
It's comments like this that make me nervous about ever meeting any of you in person. :p
Hey, worry all you want but you know it's only a matter of time before you one day hear a knock at your door and wonder, 'who could that be'? ... only to find me, Rick and Doug wearing smiles and sombreros ... holding a free amp.

Later gents.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Hey, worry all you want but you know it's only a matter of time before you one day hear a knock at your door and wonder, 'who could that be'? ... only to find me, Rick and Doug wearing smiles, sombreros and no pants ... holding a free amp.

Later gents.
Fixed for ya.


Audioholic Spartan
Well, I booked our tickets to see RUSH in July. Bad news is, about 80% of the audience will have better seats than us. Good news is, the arena has only about 12,000 seats. But, when you consider that they also play at 50,000 seat stadiums, we'll be doing pretty good.:)


Audioholic Spartan
Hey, worry all you want but you know it's only a matter of time before you one day hear a knock at your door and wonder, 'who could that be'? ... only to find me, Rick and Doug wearing smiles and sombreros ... holding a free amp.

You had him at 'sombreros' .....

which is a nice look, if you can pull it off.

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Audioholic Spartan
Hey, worry all you want but you know it's only a matter of time before you one day hear a knock at your door and wonder, 'who could that be'? ... only to find me, Rick and Doug wearing smiles and sombreros ... holding a free amp.

Later gents.


Audioholic Spartan
With pants that cool.
Why would anyone want to take them off?


Audioholic Spartan
Funny story. Yesterday I was watching TV while my 3 year old sat on my lap playing video games. The baseball game came on and she jumped down and ran out of the room. A minute later, she struts back in wearing a pink baseball cap. I told her she looked cute. She climbed back on my lap, took off her cap and put it on my head. Then she said, "There daddy, now you look cool."
Where do kids come up with this stuff?

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