Audioholic Warlord
Nothing like crosswords on the crapperWhich I imagine you use in similar locations...
Alliteration is fun
Nothing like crosswords on the crapperWhich I imagine you use in similar locations...
Partly depends on how wisely the debtors spent the borrowed money. I'm unsure of what the exchange rate for a meter of Audioquest K2 to TP would be, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be very high.If it hits the fan and the financial system is taken out...well, it'll be the people who owed money that will be better off.
Wow, there's a future scenario where you'd want to have charged as much as possible. Goods will be worth more than a savings slip in that future. Take that.
Wow, looks like their dongs are pretty small....So 1 US$ is worth 20k+ Dongs?
Either that or its a sausage party over there...Wow, looks like their dongs are pretty small....
No, but they probably come with buns.No eggs?! WTF!
With, or in? No matter, as long as they take VISA we're all good.No, but they probably come with buns.
Heck, with that exchange rate, a penny found on the sidewalk would get you more Dongs than you can shake a stick at.With, or in? No matter, as long as they take VISA we're all good.