Ok I think you got it . I never noticed that before , but yes I set to LFE only and the cross over option is in fact gone . So your saying this makes the speakers full range and before I had them at 40 hz and up ?
i will start reading the manual . Sorry I feel bad asking questions before studying the manual first a those people annoy me . Guess that's why I annoy myself lol
No, you misunderstand what I said, sorry I was clear. Your speakers will play full band if you set them to large, regardless of the crossover settings. Let's do it in point form as follow.
1) When you set it to L
FE+Main, L,R,SR,SL speakers to large, and crossover to 40 Hz, you were still running the speakers full band, but you were also redirecting bass signals from 40 Hz down that are meant for those 4 speakers (it says "Main" but probably the surrounds as well from what I can see), to the subwoofer, so you were getting extra bass that Audyssey has not allowed for.
2) When you set it to L
FE and all 4 Studio 100 to large, you are running all of them full band but at least you are no longer redirecting any bass to the subwoofer, in other words, the subwoofer will be getting the LFE signal only and the "large" speakers play their own bass (full band).
That is why in most cases it is better to set the speakers to small, so that the low frequencies below Crossover point (80Hz being a good rule of thumb) are redirected to the subwoofer. The subwoofer will handle the LFE (the signals meant for the sub channel) as well as the bass originally meant for the other channels that are now redirected to it. The other 4 speakers will have easier time doing what they are best at, without having to play the low bass. Audyssey will also be able to perform better, without having to resolve the conflicts between low bass produced by 4 speakers and 1 subwoofer, all in different locations.
Back to 1), in that case you can see that at below your crossover point, you were basically "doubling" the low bass you would normal get, and the mid bass will appear to be lacking in proportion. You surely picked that up with your apparently very capable hearing ability.
Lastly, check to see if your dynamic volume and dynamic EQ are on. If they are, try turning them off. They too, could have some effects on what you are experiencing. I have the feeling that once you set everything up correctly you will like the overall sound quality even better.
If you don't have time to re-run Audyssey and play with the settings, try selecting "pure direct" and you may get your mid bass back right away.