Got the 7.2 wired up today, just took some pictures. I watched Bourne Legacy which is mixed in 7.1 today and didn't notice a huge difference, but switching the bookshelves for bipoles a couple days ago made a huge difference in surround. Apologies for the mess on the table. It's where I put random stuff for various projects I have on the go, not so much for eating
My old side surrounds moved to rear surround
full back of the room (again, sorry for the mess, it'll get cleaned up one day, I swear)
new side surround, bigger than I thought they'd be
Sort of to give you an idea of side surround placement, a little behind the seating area set to bipole
And I moved my xbox and blu ray player over to the other side of the tv now, switched out my old thick hdmis for redmere hdmi, and hooked up my ps2. Everything is basically already wired up where I want it to be for whenever that stand gets in *shakes fist*