Always safer to be neutral & politically correct.
I have 9 B&M "Pro" & 3 ID speakers (Linkwitz, Philharmonic, Funk) in my house.
Both BM & ID/DIY can be great and can be great value.
Both BM & ID/DIY can cost more than some of us are willing to pay.
Saying that ID/DIY always gives us more bang-for-the-buck isn't true.
I paid $14K for a brand new Salon2 from an authorized Revel dealer. Many people have payed $15-18K for brand new delivered piano gloss Salon2.
If I wanted a Salk SS12 with piano gloss mahogany, it would cost me $19K.
Same could be said of some other ID companies and BM companies. It's a 2 way street. There are 2 sides to every story.
This article is definitely not "balanced" or PC.
It's only one take. Only one side to a story. One opinion. The author's goal isn't to make everyone happy or love him or be balanced. If it were, this thread would probably be dead & quiet already. We would all agreed and moved on and never looked back from the very first day the thread was posted. Boring and agreeable.
No, this article was meant to stir the pot and cause 2-sided debate and discussion.