Found a CL ad for Ascend 5.0 set and HSU MK3. Thoughts?



Audioholic Slumlord
Unable to ignore but this was in the link:

Nixon (Nixon, 1973) used a piston-phone
coupled to the subject’s ear via an earmuff to produce levels of 135dB at 18Hz.
Six five minute exposures were used with one to two minute rest periods
between. TTS was observed in one third of the subjects used, but this
recovered after about half an hour. Later work (Burdick et al., 1978) indicated
that there may be some permanent threshold shift (PTS) for long term high
level exposure.

In one experiment, chinchilla were exposed for three days to
octave band noise at, 100dB, 110dB and 120dB centred on 63Hz. The highest
level led to PTS of up to 40dB at 2kHz in the chinchilla. When human subjects
were exposed to the same low frequency noise at 110dB and 120dB for four
hours, a TTS of about 15dB resulted, extending from low frequencies up to
2kHz. The frequency used by Burdick et al is higher than in the other
experiments and might be expected to have a greater effect. There is an
indication that long-term exposure to very high levels may cause permanent
hearing loss
My understanding of this is far from complete but the article tells me that the output of a decent sub is perfectly capable of damaging human hearing.

ShadyJ's rep was all red until I fixed it not long ago IIRC. I'm going to put it back the way it was. It seems like argument is of higher priority than understanding for him and the row of reds served as warning of that.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Alex, your are the Overlord, command your subordinates:D Red does seem to draw more attention. I completely agree that this is a discussion thread and not a gladiator arena, no reason for Roman Empire mentality.;) Perception and reality are different, both can be confused and that's what we're here for, to express our differences in a non combatant manner:) Thanks Bro


Audioholic Spartan
Sheesh, what have I started? :D
The bottom line is, that you expierment with your set-up, and
what works for you - is what works for you.

And while some may, or may not have ears like the man of steel,
I would still try to look out/care for them.:)


Audioholic Overlord
The bottom line is, that you expierment with your set-up, and
what works for you - is what works for you.

And while some may, or may not have ears like the man of steel,
I would srill try to look out for them.:)
I think you meant Shrill. :p


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Unable to ignore but this was in the link:

My understanding of this is far from complete but the article tells me that the output of a decent sub is perfectly capable of damaging human hearing.

ShadyJ's rep was all red until I fixed it not long ago IIRC. I'm going to put it back the way it was. It seems like argument is of higher priority than understanding for him and the row of reds served as warning of that.
Thanks for that very selective quoting of the study. You'll note that it doesn't exactly support your assertion that a these subs could cause hearing damage because what would happen if you tried to play a 100 dB 50 hz tone at listening position for hours straight? The VC would likely melt if the amp didn't fry first. Anyway, looking back at the responses, it seems to me that discussing the OP's situation have been my priority. You will also note that the off-point argumentation was started by yourself, not much of which pertained to the initial matters being discussed. I am all for a friendly debate, but these discussions have turned irrelevant to the subject of this thread, and you seem determined to keep it that way, so I will bow out here. To the OP, if you still have problems controlling the bass, my suggestion would be to contact Hsu's customer support either by email or their company message board, they are very friendly and knowledgeable about bass acoustics, and would certainly be willing to offer the best advice you could receive on this issue.


Audioholic Overlord
To the OP, if you still have problems controlling the bass, my suggestion would be to contact Hsu's customer support either by email or their company message board, they are very friendly and knowledgeable about bass acoustics, and would certainly be willing to offer the best advice you could receive on this issue.
That is good advice. IMHO, you should contact Hsu just so you can experience their incredible CS! It will make you know you have a great subwoofer. SVS and Hsu (and, it seems Power Sound Audio) all do an amazing job with CS. They seem to have the attitude that they are lucky to be able to make money by helping customers get the most out of their sub dollars!


Full Audioholic
I emailed them and Ascend to see what's required as far as getting the warranty transferred to my name (don't think I need to for HSU, but thought I'd check anyways). I also asked how much their foam port plugs cost as well as how to replace the broken power swtich on the sub.

After I hear back about those things I'll be sure to check in with them about the sub acoustics!


Audioholic Field Marshall
I emailed them and Ascend to see what's required as far as getting the warranty transferred to my name (don't think I need to for HSU, but thought I'd check anyways). I also asked how much their foam port plugs cost as well as how to replace the broken power swtich on the sub.

After I hear back about those things I'll be sure to check in with them about the sub acoustics!
For Ascend you will need the guy's name, address, email if possible, phone and purchase date (maybe an invoice) to transfer the remaining warranty to you. I would advize the seller to do so. Been there and done that.:)

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