Two years ago I had to downgrade my system substantially for financial reasons, and settled on seven NHT Superzero 2.0. I couldn't part with my Rythmik F12 so it remained as the sub. I switched from seperates to a Pioneer Elite VSX-33. Sources are an Oppo BDP-93 and Logitech Squeezebox paired with a PS Audio Digital Link III DAC.
I was content with this setup until I stumbled upon the Home Theater magazine review of the new Pioneer speakers. A good-performing budget tower that does music and movies was just what I wanted for Christmas. I picked up the towers and center from Best Buy last night, and I did listen to a few tracks just to get a feel. I concur with what others have said about the FS52's sound qualities. They are detailed (more so than the Superzero 2.0), but not edgy or harsh. I would say they are neutral for the most part, and will give you what you put into them. Very much a garbage in/garbage out speaker. Not the last world in resolution or noise floor, but more than acceptable for the price. And, obviously, the FS52's mate much better with my sub.
All of these comments are preliminary, but I am happy. Now, I need to find a way to mount the 22's on the wall for surrounds. The Superzero 2.0's are small speakers and don't really play well with the Pioneer's which go much lower. What's great is that I am only looking at $250 for two sets of speakers for surrounds.
Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. It really helped seal the deal on the speaker change.