I do a lot of handing out

I dont even want a handout, maybe just a handback once and a while, hand me back a little more of the money I make, but that cant happen because there are too many people in line for the handout, which comes from what I hand in... If it was giving a hand up to someone that was going to better them selves and someday be on my side of the wall handing in, now it turns into an investment, but thats not the case for the majority of the people getting hand outs, there are a lot of "lifers" out there, raising more "lifers"...
But whatever, Ill keep working and pressing forward, my kids college funds will be maxed out before they are done with the 11th grade because due to my income, there will be no grants or free rides unless they can play football or wrestle {which Im also working on as a back up

It worries me to think of the world we are leaving them... Kind of scary between Geological issues, economical issues, civilazation issues, and the moral issues the future sometimes looks messy...
But I don't think there is anyone that can change its course now, just live your life how you think is correct and enjoy the ride no matter what way its going, up or down...
Is the boston herald to political for this site?
Mitt’s right: Handouts do win votes - BostonHerald.com