Audioholic Spartan
Don't forget the pair of NHT 1.5s...and the kitchen faucet. :)

I tend to buy in batches. In 1998, I bought my NHTs, the B&W ASW1000 sub, and Yamaha receiver. In 2007, I bought the PC13-Ultra and both Emotivas. Ought oh. My cycle time is decreasing. :eek: :D
That's a good thing right?:D;)


Audioholic Jedi
That's a good thing right?:D;)
Depends on the cycle. :D

The amp arrived yesterday, about five minutes after I got home - perfect timing! It's still in the box, though. My shame is somewhat mitigated because I spent so long last night fixing the water lines under my kitchen sink. Somewhat. :eek: :)


Audioholic Jedi
I gotta admit, I was chuckling pretty good when I posted the above. I guess my sense of humor was limited to a one-person radius. :)

The amp is now out of the box, but still in the plastic. I'm bracing myself in case it's less than perfect. It was rated 9/10 on Audigon from a well-rated seller, and he did an Adam-level-of-anal packing job in the original box, so expect it to look great. It's really still in the plastic because Niki and I are about to eat dinner, and it's near where she, it's a white hair shield.

One thing that was listed on the original packing list but wasn't in the box was a 12V trigger cable. I'm not judging the seller for not having that at all. It would have been nice, though, and it reminded me that I stupidly forgot to order one. The Emos that I got use a connector that took bare wire (yeah, that was a pain in the a**), so I don't have a regular cable...I don't think. Hmmm. I'll have to go look.


Audioholic Warlord
Love the sink, that actually looks a lot like the one I wanted, but couldn't get it passed the woman :(

Looks great though :D

Now quit being a tallywacker and show us what we really want :p ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Woohoo! I remembered that I have two RCA-to-3.5mm mono adapters. Perfect for making a 12V trigger cable.


Audioholic Jedi
I took today off from work, and here's my likely project for today.

I've been waiting to install the new amp because I wanted to wait until I got my new speaker wires made up and ready to connect to it.

Thanks to ImcLoud for stearing me towards this!
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adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Nice Adam.

I see you have wire pants. Well at least someone will be wearing pants during this project.:eek:

Have you posted pics of the amp yet or is it still in the box?


Audioholic Jedi
I see you have wire pants. Well at least someone will be wearing pants during this project.:eek:

Have you posted pics of the amp yet or is it still in the box?
It's out of the box, but still in the plastic wrapper. I was waiting until I had the speaker wires made before pulling the IPS-1 out and swapping in the NHT. Because it's sitting on the ground (well, on a pillow...I am OC :D), I kept the plastic on to keep it somewhat protected until it went into the entertainment center.


Audioholic Jedi
I got one done. :) That took a while, but hopefully I'll get faster as I make more of them. I want four done before I swap out the amp.



Wow! That looks great. So much better than my hillbilly wiring. Here's a shot of the back of my TV stand. :D

Seriously though, is there a guide or how-to on what you're doing with your cables?



Audioholic Jedi
I realized about ten minutes ago that I'm a moron. I thought that the cable pants came in packages of 10 pair...not 10 total. So, I don't have enough. Grumble, grumble. I can finish the cables to connect to my amp, though, so at least I can get it installed this weekend. :)


What do you use to strip the speaker wire? Do they make a tool that quickly and easily removes the shielding so I don't have to cut it off with a pocket knife?

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