Audioholic Spartan
I hope everyone realizes that I get a cut of any sales made through this thread. Normally it's 10%, but I do have a $1 minimum. Hey, a man's gotta eat.

Paid by the seller.:D


Audioholic Warlord
The IPS-1 has always hummed. I had disconnected four of the seven amp modules to reduce it (and cherry picked the quietest three modules), and that worked pretty well. Once I reconnected two of the others for my new surround speakers, it's a bit louder again. After five years, I'm just tired of turning it on and off when I turn my receiver on and off (it hums just as loud in standby).

That, and like you mentioned, I really like the idea of a lighter amp.

Because I also want XT32, I'm wondering if I should just buy the Denon 4520 and call it a day.
I vote new receiver with XT32. The sub EQ is terrific, although I'm not sure what kind of bass response you're currently getting.

I counter with $3.87. I await your reply.:)
Sorry but my bottom dollar would probably be $25+shipping :(

I hope everyone realizes that I get a cut of any sales made through this thread. Normally it's 10%, but I do have a $1 minimum. Hey, a man's gotta eat.

Damn middle men and their fees :mad:



Adam, how are you liking the dual subs up front? I am thinking of doing a similar setup. Was it a huge increase over a single sub?


Audioholic Jedi
Adam, how are you liking the dual subs up front? I am thinking of doing a similar setup. Was it a huge increase over a single sub?
Thanks for asking. I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't dialed it all in, yet. From my initial measurements (using test tones and an SPL meter), I could tell that the second sub would help smooth out the response in my main listening position (which is off to the side in the chair). As flat as the response is with one sub on my couch, there is a bit of a drop-off at the lowest end and a bump in the mid-frequencies when I'm in the chair. With both subs on, the response was flatter at the low end. I'm hoping that two subs will help me with a better compromise between the two locations. Until I measured it, though, I honestly hadn't noticed the discrepancy.

My PC13-Ultra has plenty of capability for my room in terms of output, so I don't expect a huge (or really, any) increase in overall volume from adding the second sub once I get it all set up and calibrated. It was mostly about trying to get a more even response throughout the room...and partially about just having two Ultras. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I found a Denon 4520 on eBay for a good price, and it was listed as being from Tucson. Sweet - so I contacted the dealer and asked (a) could I pick it up locally and save some cost on shipping, (b) are they an authorized dealer and, if so, what is their website, and (c) was it made in Japan for the U.S. market (i.e. was it grey market).

The response was very short and said that the price was as listed and there was no local pickup. The person clearly avoided the question about being authorized and if it was grey market, and no local pickup implies to be that it would be drop shipped from somewhere else. I asked again if the person is authorized (they specifically state on the eBay page to contact them for their website if interested in other products), so we'll see. My Spidey sense started tingling at the eBay page, and it increased at the response. I'll likely pass.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I would bet they are not authorized dealers. The only one I see that is a dealer is the one from One-call. Hmm is $250 bucks worth the peace of mind.


Audioholic Jedi
I would bet they are not authorized dealers. The only one I see that is a dealer is the one from One-call. Hmm is $250 bucks worth the peace of mind.
The OneCall price is full retail, though. Hopefully prices will drop a bit once stock starts rolling in. The one from Tucson was the lowest at $350 under that, but it seems off to me. $2150 is too high for me to roll the dice and take a chance. Because they mention having a website, I wanted to get that so that I could check against Denon's list of authorized dealers. Some of the authorized dealers here in Tucson are install shops, so I thought it might be one of them.


Audioholic Warlord
I know most people around here don't trust Onkyo whatsoever after all the horror stories, but I'll offer the alternate perspective. I bought an Onkyo TX-NR 3009 and it has been awesome. It does everything it's supposed to and nothing it isn't. The one time I contacted Onkyo customer service was in response to a clicking noise I was hearing. I contacted Onkyo through instant chat and they were very helpful and the advice/information came pretty quickly. Granted, this has only been one time and it did not involve any actual problems with the receiver, but so far so good with the customer service. I have to say that after my trepidation, I really ended up enjoying this receiver and hopefully it lasts a long time.

I just thought I'd throw that out there because the 3009 has nearly all the same features as the 4520, but at a price tag of $1499 from an authorized dealer. You may even be able to find it a little lower.

Onkyo TX-NR3009 Home theater receiver with 3D-ready HDMI switching, Internet-ready at


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks. I find most of the modern Onkyos pretty ugly, but that 3009 is a nice looking receiver.


Audioholic Jedi
Apparently, no one here knows anything about the NHT Power 5. Too bad that I'm not looking for the best available $500 receiver. :D


Audioholic Warlord
Didn't you say they use the ICE modules?

I've read pretty good things about them, but I know some receivers and amps that used to use them have all seemed to move away from them. Don't know why other than to speculate that the companies that used probably felt they could make something just as good for less cost.

If you're interested in checking out pro-amps for HT use check these out.

Even cheaper than that crown and almost the same power. You'll probably like the aesthetics better as well.

Crest PRO LITE 2 0 Power Amp, 985 Watts x 2 @ 2ohms | Full Compass

Crest ProLite 2 0 1960 Watt Professional Live Sound Power Amplifier Amp Pro Lite | eBay


Audioholic Jedi
Well, I just bought a Power 5. :) I made an offer on one yesterday on Audiogon. I thought it didn't go through because the auction ended and the system told me that I lost the auction, but I woke up this morning to a series of e-mails saying that my offer was accepted. Sweet! I admit that part of me was happy when I thought it didn't get accepted - the cheap part. :D I think that I'll be happy with it.


Audioholic Jedi
Congrats on the new amp. What will be doing with the old ones?
Thanks! The Power 5 will replace the IPS-1, but I'll still use the RPA-1 for two of the channels. Before I recently added the two extra rear speakers, five channels would have been enough...but not any more.

In my usual fashion, I'll probably hold on to the IPS-1 for reasons still unknown to modern mental health professionals. I always think that I might eventually want to use something again.


Audioholic Warlord
Thanks! The Power 5 will replace the IPS-1, but I'll still use the RPA-1 for two of the channels. Before I recently added the two extra rear speakers, five channels would have been enough...but not any more.

In my usual fashion, I'll probably hold on to the IPS-1 for reasons still unknown to modern mental health professionals. I always think that I might eventually want to use something again.
That makes sense. Although, why not try and rid yourself of the thing? Since you're moving in a lighter direction you can always add a pro-amp for cheap later on or a different amp that you don't label as POS :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Wow you have purchased a sub and an amp all within the span of a month. That must be a record.:D

Now if you go out and get that new Denon (which was the item I thought you wanted over the amp) well the world may end as we know it.

You will be able to sell your Emotiva stuff easy enough to cover alt least half the cost of the 4520. That RPA will go fast.


Audioholic Jedi
Wow you have purchased a sub and an amp all within the span of a month. That must be a record.:D
Don't forget the pair of NHT 1.5s...and the kitchen faucet. :)

I tend to buy in batches. In 1998, I bought my NHTs, the B&W ASW1000 sub, and Yamaha receiver. In 2007, I bought the PC13-Ultra and both Emotivas. Ought oh. My cycle time is decreasing. :eek: :D

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