No surprise here, that your preference was to the more expensive
(suggested list/retail price) EMP 41B. I agree that the Phase Two
Pioneer speakers, as good as they are - are somewhat limited in
the midrange, compared to speakers that are on another level. >
Their midrange is still good to me - however compared to what I
am use to listening at, I find the midrange and maybe some of the
lower treble, lacks definition > I can still hear detail, however the
resolution is not as good as my more expensive speakers >> With
the treble of the phase two (2), I hear no sharp or edgy or smear
type sound, and I get no ear fatigue - plus I can listen a long time.
While they may or may not measure so-called pefect > I find their
voicing good and balanced enough, to bring me listening pleasure
from my sources. Where you may use the word shine, > I use the
terms like open and more alive or vivid, with-out being aggressive.
The speakers are cheap in price - however, a nice step above them
boxy entry level sounds on the market. Polk, Klipsch, Infinity, and
some PSB, Paradigm, Boston and Definitive Tech, have been thrown
out the door. The Phase Two are still resting in my room for now.