I am finally ready to order for ultimate/final subs (music).
I'd like to keep the price around $2000 or less for the pair. I can spend more if needed, but I don't know my objectives require more. I am intent on a pair because I want the response as smooth as possible before adding EQ.
For music-only and with boundary effects in a <2400 Cu Ft treated room, I am comfortable with a 25 Hz extension and 95dB max output. - I'm nowhere near challenging the state of the art for extension or output and am not looking for anything exotic in finish. IOW, at this point, most good $600 subs can do the job.
However, these subs will be paired with my Focal Solo6Be's - the most articulate speakers I have heard. Getting the best articulation available is my objective!
Unfortunately, this is an attribute that is not consistently addressed in reviews, and when it is, it isn't quantified to allow comparisons between different subs. I suppose the decay plots may be a bit useful, but don't think it is central to articulation. An impulse response may be useful, but I haven't noticed that in the reviews I have read.
So, I am hoping those of you who have listened to many subs can help me with this.
Thanks for your help!