To each his own. I think Funk audio's work speaks for itself. Stuff happens, no matter where or who you buy from mistakes and errors will happen. Nathan made good on the error and change what he uses for grill attachments so that this doesn't happen again. To hold this one error as the reason not to buy a funk audio subwoofer, if you were seriously considering one, will only hurt yourself. If you genuinely want a different one, then whatever, this is all mute, but IMO this one instance you've picked out is hardly "receiving half a product" and if you truly want to avoid any problems from the start then the only way to 100% guarantee that is to just not buy anything. Just sayin'
Funk makes excellent subs. So do a lot of other companies. In the words of Forest Gump "$hit happens" True no matter where or who you buy from. I think the reactions to the mistakes tells more about the company then when everything goes perfectly and given how Nathan handled this error I would have no trouble entrusting $2000+ if I was in the market to do so. As always YMMV. Cheers.