Received my subs last night. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to spend much time with them before having to leave. First impression is great though. They definitely sound like a big upgrade from my previous subwoofer. Definitely less boomy, and have already heard sounds that were missing before.
Build quality is better than I had expected. Though if I had to nitpick I noticed the led gain on one of the subs is much more resistant to turn than on the other - which is smooth. I also noticed one sub auto shuts off 30 seconds or so after the other (I've never had that feature on a sub, so that might be normal)...again, nit picking.
I have not ran MCACC yet, or played around with the phase or boundary gain on the sub. Maybe someone can suggest how I should set these?
Looking forward to playing around more tomorrow, will take some pics, and hopefully have them posted by the end of this week.