I heard the tower version of those Pioneers at Best Buy about a year and a half ago and wasn't that impressed; don't really get the rage. The Tritrix, IMO, are a thousand times better than those Pioneers. Take that w/ a grain of salt, cuz it's subjective and I know a lot of people like the Pioneers.
As far as the overnight sensations go, I have heard a lot of good about those, but never heard them myself. That said, they're almost exactly the same price as the Tritrix if you're building your own cabinets anyhow; and I'd be willing to bet the TL version of the Tritrix is going to sound better.
If you're willing to wait a bit, I know Ben Wolf (he's on the PE site a lot) is going to release a version of his Stance speakers in about 2 weeks. They're a little 2 way design and I think they'll run about $200 for the components to build a pair (Meniscus should have the kits available on their site soon). I had the priviledge of listening to those at the Meniscus DIY demo we just did last weekend and was BLOWN AWAY!! You won't touch their sound in that price range (IMO). I'm going to build them for my HT system once they're available.
Thanks for the info. Yeah, I'm sold on the TriTrix already, but not currently in stock and I want some bookshelves now (I already own GE Triton 2 with matching center for L/R and P362s on my 2 channel rig).
Let me give you a little more details and perhaps you could point me in the right direction here.
I'm gearing up to get into some DIY bigtime. Speakers, amps, pre-amps, etc, etc. I'm really serious about it, I just started back to school and am currently taking DC circuits (work full-time in semiconductor chemistry labs so can only do 1 or 2 classes a semester).
For my next speakers, I want bookshelves (either build a pair or buy a pair).
1) I want bookshelves so that I can move them easily to other amps or take them over to a friends house to use on his equipment.
2) I want something "cheap", let's say $200 or less, so that if I screw up my wiring on an amp or preamp and toast my speakers, then it won't be the end of the world (maybe shed a single tear

3) I want good SQ, obviously
4) The more efficient and the easier the load (8ohm if possible), the better, so I can start with some of the cheaper and less-robust DIY amps to build my confidence
5) When not using to test out new DIY gear, I would use them as surrounds for my GEs. My surrounds are running off Rocketfish HD wireless amps. I know that is not ideal, but for me it is fine as I mostly focus on music and just want the surrounds for ambience or to know if someone is trying to sneak up on me in FPS games.
I'm thinking either
1) Pioneer SP41
2) Overnight Sensations
3) Def Tech SM 350 from new egg
4) EMP E41
Cheaper is better for this
What you think?