Well the Rotel RMB-1075 (maybe 10ish years old depending on when in production the one you were looking at was made) is completely different from newer Rotel amps, they switched from class A/B to class D I believe. I have a 1075 and I think it's awesome, handles anything I throw at it and sounds good.
That being said, if you can overcome a few biases and not let any pre-determinations sneak into your brain and color what you think you may be hearing, another member here has a pair of revel salon2s (in addition to philharmonic 3s, orions, and kef 201/2s or something like that) and he also has some big kick butt ATI amplifiers. He's claimed that he can't hear a difference between the crown XLS1500 and his ATI amps. Those ATI amps are beasts and they're supposed to be awesome, but he swears he can't hear a difference. This is a big deal when you can get a crown for about $350ish whereas any of the amps you're considering are probably over a grand.
I know I use a pro-amp in my setup and I honestly think it sounds every bit as good as the rotel I have. I have to tell you though, unless you feel like your speakers aren't performing adequately theres really no point in adding an amp. Yes you may gain a little big during big peaks and explosions where the extra headroom comes in handy, but on average you're speakers aren't going to be drawing a tremendous amount of power. So unless you really feel like you're missing something I wouldn't spend the money.
If you can, borrow an amp from somebody else and see if it makes a difference. Watch the same movie scenes and listen to the same music with the amp and without it to see if you notice a big difference. If the difference isn't big, or if there isn't a difference, don't waste the money.