In a world where engineers can fit billions of transistors on a 28nm die running at the GigaHertz range and sell this piece of silicon for $99.
Well the output stage, biasing, power supply design and topology are well understood and
commodity parts.
One of the things I never hear is what problems these guys that are selling amps from $10K to $80K are actually solving. Now with Class D the last two major problem areas have been solved: Weight and Efficiency.
When I had my Parasounds I offered umpteen people that they could come out and if they could pick the Parasound vs my XLS 402D ($179 new) stone cold 9 out of 10 flips of the coin they could have the Parasound. I even offered to cover air fair and accommodations if they could.
I've offered to send people burned in interconnects and non-burned in and $100. Randomly label the cables and if they could after
30 days without me looking over their shoulder, they could listen as long as they like etc. Nothing just a bunch of idiots back peddling.
I know Gene can tell the difference from I believe a particular Class D amp and better bass reproduction. Interesting thing to look at is
graphene based super capacitors. They can have up to, I believe, a 100X increase in the speed of both charge and energy release.
The Peavey IPR1600 actually has a custom, no label, ultracapacitor.