Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Samurai
That's pretty radical. So you can pass out in public and all they come up with is guesses? You could have come here for that. We love guessing games.
I should have just asked here it would of saved me the $20.00 co pay.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm bored today and I'd be glad to help you out.
You want me to throw in a banning or two? :rolleyes:
Now that PC is gone I'm the only obvious candidate for banishment but closing the boring thread would just be mean. Where else would people turn for medical advice?

I should have just asked here it would of saved me the $20.00 co pay.
I rest my case.


Audioholic Jedi
By the way, how's that working for you?
It worked okay. It claims that it will cleanse and flush out your entire gastrointestinal system...I'm not convinced about the cleansing part. Then again, I don't really know how you're supposed to tell if a cleansing worked. "Hey, there's part of that steak that I ate in college." Eeeee.

Okay, Alex - close your eyes. I know how squeamish you are. :p

I've read about how humans tend to have pounds of undigested matter in their system for years, so I've been curious about flushing that stuff out. I've used the Dr. Schultze Intestinal Formula #1 before (and, after fighting my embarrassment, finally wrote a review on it :)). That stuff works, btw. I can throw back between four and six of those at dinner, wait until the next morning, and be amazed yet again. If you guys ever tell me that I'm full of s**t, I won't be able to disagree. :eek: :D However, I didn't know if it was actually cleansing anything.

So, just this week, I ordered the Intestinal Formula #2. While ordering from the manufacturer for the first time, I saw those bowel shots and thought, why not?

The $14 per shot did what ~$1 in Formula #1 pills does, so I don't think it's worth it. That, and the shot was obnoxiously nasty to drink.


Audioholic Spartan
It worked okay. It claims that it will cleanse and flush out your entire gastrointestinal system...I'm not convinced about the cleansing part. Then again, I don't really know how you're supposed to tell if a cleansing worked. "Hey, there's part of that steak that I ate in college." Eeeee.

Okay, Alex - close your eyes. I know how squeamish you are. :p

I've read about how humans tend to have pounds of undigested matter in their system for years, so I've been curious about flushing that stuff out. I've used the Dr. Schultze Intestinal Formula #1 before (and, after fighting my embarrassment, finally wrote a review on it :)). That stuff works, btw. I can throw back between four and six of those at dinner, wait until the next morning, and be amazed yet again. If you guys ever tell me that I'm full of s**t, I won't be able to disagree. :eek: :D However, I didn't know if it was actually cleansing anything.

So, just this week, I ordered the Intestinal Formula #2. While ordering from the manufacturer for the first time, I saw those bowel shots and thought, why not?

The $14 per shot did what ~$1 in Formula #1 pills does, so I don't think it's worth it. That, and the shot was obnoxiously nasty to drink.
This tread is heading down the crapper.


Audioholic Slumlord
I've read about how humans tend to have pounds of undigested matter in their system for years ...
I'm pretty sure that in order for that to happen you have to have eaten something substantial in the last decade. What the hell is going on here with all this dizziness and loss of consciousness? We live in America, people. F^%&in' eat something! :D

(slinks off to eat low fat cottage cheese) :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
Ham is on the FedEx truck. Mmmm. I'll finally get to use that ham slicer that I have.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I am so amped about my amp.

Ever since my wife and I started doing "yours/mine" allowance money in addition to "our" money I have found it strangely easy to spend "my" money because I don't have to justify it to anyone but me. Between HT and Shelby parts I will always be out of "my" money. Oh well. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
My money has always been my money :)
We have our money for house/car payments and maintenance, then we don't have to worry about who does what with who's money as far as those things go. I think we got it figured out for how it works best for us and we have far less fighting/arguing over money now with the yours-mine-ours thing. Before (especially when I bought the Velodyne DD15 subs from Gene), it was a very strenuous process to purchase such things.

When we have kids and she is no longer making any, let alone more money than I do, we will probably change things up though. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Niki and I never argue over money. We both know it's hers.
So what I can surmise from this by using my ridiculously amazing intuition is that you couldn't buy an amp today because she makes you buy her very expensive gourmet dog cookies...

...and that you plan to continue on your non-meat eater ways and feed her $200 worth of ham.

Am I right?


Audioholic Jedi
So what I can surmise from this by using my ridiculously amazing intuition is that you couldn't buy an amp today because she makes you buy her very expensive gourmet dog cookies...

...and that you plan to continue on your non-meat eater ways and feed her $200 worth of ham.

Am I right?
You're close. :D The only error is that the ham is her treat, as opposed to gourmet cookies. Don't tell her, but my girl needs to lose some weight.

Nah, I'll be eating some of the ham. I cut back on meat due to the lack of availability of humanely raised animal products in my area (or, at least my ability to find them). Hence, my mail ordering of this ham.
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