

jinjuku see how Walter there thanked Irvrobinson for indirectly insult to you!

Seriously though they'll hold back because your the moderator!

Can you imagine how they behave against a guy like me right not that this thread is an example of how bad it can get. You do know it's the same core group to ehh of Boutique AV dealers/owners and their linecard ODM/ODM cronies.
Walter is without reproach here. He's helped me more than once. I don't mind being asked why I like the solutions I like. The insult is to imply that I am somehow in cahoots. No I don't believe Irv's question was genuine about me working for RME.

Trust me they won't hold back because I mod here. And I won't hold back what I have to say for the same reason.

Can you work on not putting up the large font type stuff. Everyone can have a reasonable conversation.

Everyone can make claims, as long as they are merit based and can be backed up. I don't appreciate being accused of shilling for a manufacturer. It's a problem and I think an apology is in order.


I did not read that correctly, I thought it was you pushing Mr. Nagasakis crap. I will remove the thanks, good thing you brought this to my attention. Thanks
I'm going to take jinjuku que and behave in a more couth manner.

It's just I get so upset when I'm trying to help people and they start attacking me saying I'm on drugs, I'm 16 years old, I'm in cahoots with products I suggest, I should be torn to pieces, I can be schooled by a friggin CEDIA cert jerkoff and so on and so on and so on...

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Audioholic Jedi
Buying ATI over Emo makes a big difference right AcuDef!
How many times have I said that I believe in the words of The Audio Critic?

And what does the Audio Critic say about amps, preamp, DAC, CD players, and wires?

I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.

I may waste my money on expensive things. Why? Because I can. But I make no foolish claims. Why?

I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.


How many times have I said that I believe in the words of The Audio Critic?

And what does the Audio Critic say about amps, preamp, DAC, CD players, and wires?

I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.
I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.

I may waste my money on expensive things. Why? Because I can. But I make no foolish claims. Why?

I believe in the words of The Audio Critic.

That's fine AcuDef...

You still won't give Reference 10.2 a try though ehh? You should write Peter an email and see what he thinks of the piece...



I just realized Walter you think Kingwa is the same guy and product the Japanese dude with the audio boutique shop with the cafe and plush seating etc. The dude that sells RIP OFF AMPS.


As far as I know Kingwa does have a single piece in the boutique market stenciled! NOT A SINGLE ONE!

and you don't think he's had offers and money waved in his face from people like you!?!


Audioholic Jedi
I want to hear an explanation why the ATI is better than the Emo and I want it with measurement!
No one, except you, ever says the ATI or any other amp is better!

You are the only one making the foolish claims!

No one here is claiming the ATI is better than Emotiva!

Do you understand that, or am I going too fast for you?

walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai

Holy crap, I just got my commission from Cinepro and AB via PayPal. ADTG did you get yours from ATI? Great advertising. Thanks....


No one, except you, ever says the ATI or any other amp is better!

You are the only one making the foolish claims!

No one here is claiming the ATI is better than Emotiva!

Do you understand that, or am I going too fast for you?

You sure as hell did with your "I sold them off on ebay ;)" comment.

Don't you understand I've been trying to HELP YOU



Holy crap, I just got my commission from Cinepro and AB via PayPal. ADTG did you get yours from ATI? Great advertising. Thanks....
Instead of making comments like that meant to incite, why don't you just explain why you played stupid when you knew very well they were the same design.


Audioholic Jedi
Why not tell him it's BS and that the Emotiva amp is the same as the ATI!
Because it's not the same as ATI.

No one is claiming the ATI sounds better.

There are different reasons for buying anything.

Why do I buy ATI instead of Emotiva?

1) I think ATI looks much better aesthetically.
2) ATI has 7 yr warranty vs 5 yr of Emotiva.
3) ATI is made in USA vs China (Emotiva); I like buying things made in the USA.
4) ATI has the fuse - less auto protection circuit, and Emotiva use fuses.
5) I love the way the ATI amps look. Aesthetics is huge for me.

But I'm not going to recommend to anyone that they should buy ATI over EMOTIVA. It's their choice.


Yes, I have.
And can you give us a rundown about the EE design in a couple paragraphs for the Benchmark DAC. I'm curious of your take on the design regarding the DAC I/V and line drive and their respective PSU sections etc

I await your expertise.
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because it's not the same as ati.

No one is claiming the ati sounds better.

There are different reasons for buying anything.

Why do i buy ati instead of emotiva?

1) i think ati looks much better aesthetically.
2) ati has 7 yr warranty vs 5 yr of emotiva.
3) ati is made in usa vs china (emotiva); i like buying things made in the usa.
4) ati has the fuse - less auto protection circuit, and emotiva use fuses.
5) i love the way the ati amps look. Aesthetics is huge for me.

But i'm not going to recommend to anyone that they should buy ati over emotiva. It's their choice.

You just did!

Now that's a comment worthy IMHO of a jab/joke whether this guy is on drugs... especially considering he's a pharmacist. I remember reading somewhere that a good percent of them are pill poppers.

Anyway I've had enough of this!

I sure hope I reached some potential buyers that have gear like AcuDeaf here that run Salon 2s through a box store AVR's converter by educating them about Audio GD and Kingwa's Reference 10.2

IMHO what AcuDef is doing with the Salon 2s is like spreading Russian Caviar onto a friggin ritz cracker!

It's a real shame I can't reach the guy... perhaps it's drugs.

With that I'm gone.

PS prob not drugs but Presbycusis and earwax buildup... I put my money on a HUGE pencil eraser head sized ball of wax in each ear!
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Audioholic Ninja
Just got back from a little drive on the lake and yep, everything is still where it was when I left. PS: I just checked my ATI and it's not humming.
About all of this audio stuff, I like audio about the same as I like fishing, photography, kayaking, car restorations, etc. if you have the money, waste it wisely :D
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
so i read the last few pages of the thread ... what are they arguing about again? (don't answer that)

it's just so boring if it's not subwoofer related :D

let's avoid the "stupid" and "ignorant" adjectives, i don't think those are necessary to this boring discussion.
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
Instead of making comments like that meant to incite, why don't you just explain why you played stupid when you knew very well they were the same design.
What makes you think they are? Did you ever audition any Cinepro or AB Amps, and where? This is a whole new ball game, we're not back in 95.
Maybe you can help me out. I got this 2 channel rig I am working on. I am driving these great KLH speakers with this http://www.perreaux.com/assets/file/archive/035-8000B.pdf amp. Pre-pro is old B&K Ref 50 S2 and source is OPPO 83, what should I change to get a little better sound?

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So the 1805 from Classic Audio Parts is gone.

Also learned that 4311 is sold out at EE.

Next cheapest for ATI balanced amp would be Outlaw. I think I only need 3 channel for mains and center.

I might need to pull the trigger on Denon 4311 soon.

Btw, I have Pass B1, DCB1, DCB1 with my hand-pick parts and $$$ volume control, a few DIY preamps, a few $$$$ commercial preamps, and a few DACs (Some from China, some from US, and some DIYs). For some reason, I regained my confidence in good AVRs. I might lose my confidence again some day. Who knows. :D

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