Being leery is good, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider good used equipment. The key is to get it from a trusted source or one that has buyer protection or a good return policy. Also, you must be ready to check out all the features in a very few days so that you have confidence that it works correctly.
If you are looking at used and you have even 1 red-flag or bit of doubt, then run. If you know what you are looking for and have some checks in place to give you more confidence, then you really can't beat the money savings on used gear. It is just like a car, let the other chumps take the hit for depreciation and then scoop it up when they move to the next new item.
B-stock and used gear with blemishes? My philosophy is "There's plenty more where that came from". Meaning that I will most likely scratch it myself eventually. If it already has a blemish (but sounds great), then oh well. If I put the first scratch on it, then i pout about it