Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Overlord
Yes it will.. Georgia sucks. Except for The Masters. Its been a life long dream to go experience it and I can't wait to get there. I've been there a few times but never for the event.
I hear the Pimento cheese is the best in the world is at the Masters. Apparently the prices are still the same they used to be.


Audioholic Slumlord
It must be the end of the month crunch keeping people at work
busy with work instead of posting on here during their 'breaks'. :rolleyes: :p


Senior Audioholic
im gonna go tear apart my bike and make some sort of Frankenstein bike with parts from my other bikes


Audioholic Overlord
It must be the end of the month crunch keeping people at work
busy with work instead of posting on here during their 'breaks'. :rolleyes: :p
How did you know?:p Actually it's more like we got some more fun stuff to do.


Audioholic Slumlord
Nah, just nothing worthy of a response (till now).
I know you hate to admit that hearing of the fofo's plight had you so choked up you weren't able to type out a response without your office mates hearing your stifled sobs. Don't worry Dave, I drove to Boston and the fofo is tracking true once again. I was worried too but it's okay now. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
don't believe you :p
Haha.. no BS... I actually really like it. Placebo- maybe, but I doubt it.. I'm actually pretty skeptical when it comes to these things. I was able to work out a little longer and still be functional on the golf course. My balance and posture feels better and I didn't have some of the subtle aches I normally have. blah blah... whatever. I ordered one in a color that I'm more comfortable wearing than the one I have now.

If you have an open mind and sincerely want to give it a shot- I'll send ya this one when I get my other one. Its actually pretty cool. I don't want cake anymore.


Audioholic Ninja
I hear the Pimento cheese is the best in the world is at the Masters. Apparently the prices are still the same they used to be.
Yes! That's true. The Pimento Cheese sandwich is still only a couple bucks and sodas are only a dollar. They don't make money that way- its still very enjoyable for the patrons. BUT- the prices of stuff in the gift shop are VERY high. A hat will run you 30-40 bucks, shirts are 75-150... list goes on and on. I can't wait to see the place again. Crazy as it sounds, I really hope to play there someday.


Audioholic Ninja
Which brings me to my next post- I played golf in college and lost my amateur status shortly after. I've had a petition into both the Missouri Golf Association and the USGA to gain amateur status back but I've requested that application to be dismissed. There's a small midwest pro tour this summer/fall that I'm looking to gain status to. That's right ladies, I'm a professional golfer.


Audioholic Ninja
This post is just to see what it could feel like to have 5 straight posts in the boring thread...


Audioholic Slumlord
If you have an open mind ...
Sorry, I never let the truth get in the way of what I believe. :D

What has proving that we are not the flat center of the universe done for us? Nothing, that's what.


Audioholic Ninja
Hey, I'll take the bracelet if you're offering. :) Seriously.
Don't you have enough Amazon points to get a free one? Haha.. If you're interested, I'll send it to ya. The one I have is the "burn"... Its black with gray. The one I ordered is a custom size and as soon as I get it I'm happy to send this one on. I ordered the one I wanted and won't need this one.

Did you look it up and read about it at all? I PROMISE I don't sell them. I've tried every single one in the sports/fitness industry..


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks! I did read a bit about them. My initial reaction? "BS!" However, if you think it does something, then you've got my interest peaked.

It might just be placebo, but if I can power through two beers and still have the arm strength for a third, then you've made a believer out of me. :D


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks! I did read a bit about them. My initial reaction? "BS!" However, if you think it does something, then you've got my interest peaked.

It might just be placebo, but if I can power through two beers and still have the arm strength for a third, then you've made a believer out of me. :D
Haha.. I KNOW.. .It sounds like total BS. But some of the demo's I was shown in the store too peaked my interest so I bought it. I got home and tried the same stuff. It still worked and I tried everything I could to make it not work.

IE, doing ten pushups with or without it was clearly different. This is an exercise I've done hundreds of times. Even if it is placebo, theres value there...

Either way.. proof is in the cake Alex will eat and I'm actually really happy with it. I do feel like it made my workout and range work more efficient today. I'll be sure to send you some basic @ home drills you can do...

I'm willing to send it on just to make sure I haven't lost my mind...

You'll pay shipping, right? :p:p


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks! I did read a bit about them. My initial reaction? "BS!" However, if you think it does something, then you've got my interest peaked.

It might just be placebo, but if I can power through two beers and still have the arm strength for a third, then you've made a believer out of me. :D
When I'm wearing it, I can decide when I want to be drunk and then I can avoid the feeling of 26 beers at will... amazing... I think they put a Chuck Norris Pubic hair in the chip. Not sure why I capitalized "Pubic"...
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