Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
Well after seeing this my Monday does not seem so bad. From a coworkers garage this morning.

He really must have had a death wish. These traps were 6 feet apart.:eek:
He got his head caught first trap and backed away from the obviously
f^%&ed up predicament only to get hit in the @ss like a sailor. :D


Audioholic Overlord
My big project yesterday was digging out around my irrigation valves - and I'm not done. I started on Friday. I'm just digging, and I'm not done. It's only about two feet in diameter and a foot deep. :eek: In my defense, I'm using a spoon for a lot of it to avoid damaging the water lines. .
When I had to redo my sprinkler system, I also tried to be very careful to avoid damaging pipes. I then learned that repairing the pipes was easier than trying to dig carefully so I got after the dig with a pickax which went much quicker.


Audioholic Slumlord
Hope Adam doesn't see that.
It led a life dedicated to staying far, far, far away from pussy ... real far.

Let Mr. Mouse's passing be a call for all of us to not fear the pussy no matter how scary it looks. :eek: :D


Audioholic Slumlord
My fart fan is fixed.

This is Home Depots Peal & Seal equivalent:

About 5 years ago I installed the previous fan. I had put some sort of rubber roofing product on the outside of the housing. Yesterday my upstairs neighbor complained that the fan had started sounding like a motorcycle so I replaced the motor and blower wheel. I added more of the Peal & Seal alternative to inside parts of the fan housing to hopefully further quiet it down. I wish I had checked the SPL before and after but I'm pretty much done giving a sh!t about how loud the fart fan is. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Slumlord
I just ordered a food processor.
Why? What further processing do you have in mind for the veggie corn dog? :D

I had my first unexplained system restart on the desktop since the reformat.

I did the System Restore thing to yesterday and downloaded the Tune Up Utilities thing. It prompted me to do the check for errors thing that takes for-evahhhhhhh.

A FF add on called NoSquint that I got for the laptop is pretty cool.
Anybody else tried it?

Stage 5 of 5 is 31% completed and it's in no hurry.


Audioholic Slumlord
New software update (Ice Cream sandwich) is finally releases for my Galaxy SII phone (international) but alas the f/w updater software crashes....

I am dissapoint.

Gonna try later at work...

(this post was supposed to be boring :rolleyes:)


Audioholic Slumlord
Few days I ago I ordered Fostex T50RP Studio Headphones from B&H for $74 with free ship.
Should be an upgrade to my badly aging T20rp (bad foam and cable - both user replaceable, but parts are just too expensive)

Will let you know how they sound soon - I really love my t20 and I have high expectations from t50


Audioholic Samurai
Its Raining, again :(

** On with the Grundens and out the door, cant pay for the internet hiding from the rain, %#**in& Bull shite I tell ya, can you say powerball :(
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Audioholic Slumlord
New software update (Ice Cream sandwich) is finally releases for my Galaxy SII phone (international) but alas the f/w updater software crashes....

I am dissapoint.

Gonna try later at work...

(this post was supposed to be boring :rolleyes:)
Yeaa !! Success ! Running the latest and the greatest ICS 4.0.3 (official) on my galaxy s2 - touchwiz still sucks thou :(
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