Do you know where the majority of profits go?
Do you know who owns these corporations?
Punishing the wealthy is not a solution to economic problems. The majority of millionaires are first generation rich, drive used cars, live in reasonable neighborhoods and would be unrecognizable to you. Being wise with your finances should have it's rewards. Living within your means is the first step to wealth. Unfortunately it's not a step most people in our nation are willing to take including Congress.
Taking away money from people with the good sense to manage it and giving it to a government that has proved itself inept in every way is not progress.
The majority of the profits of my company goes into building up other, more profitable, areas of it. So in essence the better I do at my job the more likely I won't have one in a decade.
Adam, when I mention real work I am in no way describing manual labour. I simply implied meaningful and productive work. If someone is a software designer I'm not saying they're not doing real work. However, their boss who only cares about squeezing every drop of humanity out of them to make slightly more profit, is in my opinion, the problem with todays society. In reality it's probably not even his fault, he's probably got a boss who's doing the same thing to him.
You're not taking money away from people who have a good sense in making it. The reality is job performance has such a small impact on promotions in todays work force it's pathetic. It's no longer about what you do or how you do it. But all about who you know and how willing you are to put on some knee pads.
I've worked all sorts of jobs, from construction, to retail, to warehouse, and now I sit in my own office and it even has a lovely view of Jones lake. At every single one of my jobs I've worked I've always been the stand out employee. I'm not lazy, I always do my job well, and I always want to be the best. I've never settled for just going to my job to make a pay check, those people are the ones that were always my bosses. Has this attitude or work ethic offered me ANY advantage over some jackass who comes into work drunk but is so far up managements *** he can see what they had for lunch? Nope.
How often have any one of you wondered not only how your boss got their job, but how they were able to keep it for such a long time?
Your basing your government statement on one which could have gone to the moon in the 60's but is now not able to. A country that now imports the majority of it's innovation from other countries. A country that used to be a beacon of hope to the planet, and is now really looked down on in other first and second world countries.
As I'm sure you all can tell, I'm bitter when it comes to this topic. I in no way meant to derail the thread, nor offer any contempt towards the OP. This is simply a topic I feel strongly about. There simply isn't enough well paying entry level jobs in this country. When I was in highschool I would hear, "Go to University, you'll get a good job." It's such a load of garbage it's almost laughable.
It should have been, "Go to University, you'll accumulate $40,000 in debt which you will be paying off for the next 40 years. You won't get a job worth anything for the 10 years following that, and the only thing you can do with that science degree is take more school or teach. I hope you like living with your parents."
I think it's time for a drink.