100 Db at 20 Hz is about as loud as 60 db at 1000 Hz. At 75 db, you are at the bare threshold of audibility at 20 Hz. What is it about "LOUDNESS does NOT equal SPL" that is not abundantly clear from the nearly 100 year old Fletcher Munson Loudness curves? Loudness is measured in Phons, NOT SPL. We measure in SPL because we want the equipment to be linear. Our ears are not. If ALL YOU GET AT 20 Hz is 100 Db, that is a mere whisper in your ear. The LOWER you go, the MORE SPL we need for a given sensation of loudness. EVERYONE!! Repeat after me. LOUDNESS DOES NOT EQUAL SPL!!
Now go here and look !!!
Then when you are done, go here:
Phon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guys, this is not difficult to comprehend if you spend more than a couple of seconds. Again, 100 db at 20 Hz is a WHISPER.... And yes, the Hsu can put out 100 db at 20 hz, look at the CEA figures shown in the tables. THOSE are the maximum peaks with tolerable distortion. This was the core of the article. Now, who doesn't like my dog? (LOL)