Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Anything smaller than 2TB is low capacity (unless we are talking about an SSD) :D


Audioholic Spartan
I wonder which way Alex does it...

<object id="ch542707" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=";use_node_id=true&amp;fullscreen=1" width="600" height="338"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="movie" quality="best" value=";use_node_id=true&amp;fullscreen=1"/><embed src=";use_node_id=true&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="600" height="338" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:600px;"> <p>See more at CollegeHumor</p></div>
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Audioholic Jedi
A knife that I ordered supposedly shipped on Tuesday, but USPS still has it listed as being notified by the shipper to expect the package. I hope that they just didn't update their tracking info.


Audioholic Jedi
I see that Alex entered the Moshi contest. The odds of him winning are too now I must also enter. :p We both have two sets...this could be the tie breaker. Better yet, we could both have three sets. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Btw, that shower video was mind numbing. Hats off to a well-played boring post, Doug. :)
I kept wishing I had the high res monitor that Haraldo must have so I could see the lower half of the picture.

:eek:......... of the chick, :rolleyes: not the guy.:mad:

Get your minds outta the gutter.


Audioholic Samurai
I see that Alex entered the Moshi contest. The odds of him winning are too now I must also enter. :p We both have two sets...this could be the tie breaker. Better yet, we could both have three sets. :D
You guys stay away from the sub contest. That sucker is mine.:cool:


Audioholic Jedi
I see that Alex entered the Moshi contest. The odds of him winning are too now I must also enter. :p We both have two sets...this could be the tie breaker. Better yet, we could both have three sets. :D
Whew. I fell asleep, but luckily woke up in time to click a few photos of the collection and get my entry in before the deadline.

You guys stay away from the sub contest. That sucker is mine.:cool:
Why didn't you enter the earbud contest? Didn't you say earlier that you've never had a good set of earbuds? Those Vortex are pretty darn nice.


Audioholic Slumlord
Whew. I fell asleep, but luckily woke up in time to click a few photos of the collection and get my entry in before the deadline.
I thought the time zone might have bumped you out but I'm glad you entered so I can see your MP3 player and Rhiana collection. :D :p


Audioholic Jedi
I thought the time zone might have bumped you out but I'm glad you entered so I can see your MP3 player and Rhiana collection. :D :p
I almost took a picture of my iPod, but I got too lazy to go out to the car to get it. :D

On a related note, I find it interesting that three people posted twice in the sub contest.


Audioholic Jedi
A knife that I ordered supposedly shipped on Tuesday, but USPS still has it listed as being notified by the shipper to expect the package. I hope that they just didn't update their tracking info.
Sweet! After days of it not changing, it updated this morning to say that it was processed in Tucson. Hopefully it'll show today!


Audioholic Jedi
A new OS update was just released for the Droid X on Verizon. Ever since Gingerbread came out, the X hasn't worked all that great with my car's bluetooth phone system (but it worked great before that). I hope this update finally fixes that, as the last update didn't.


Senior Audioholic
so im cleaning my room today... so far ive found 3 universal remote manuals, 5 remotes for devices i got rid of years ago, a vcr manual from 1993 (what is this, i dont even...), about 30 jellybeans, half a mcdonalds fry (its been about a week and half since i last ate mcdonalds), 3 pci cards, about 6 dremel bits, a cookie, some old car phone charger (for a phone my mom had before i was born), xp cd's and probably a few bucks worth of copper. its not all junk :p ..... but most of it is


Audioholic Jedi
...half a mcdonalds fry...
Several people here probably just shed a tear at the thought of wasting such a precious resource. :D (I know, Alex, I know - you're being all good about your carbs, and potatoes are the devil :)).

I think that I've eaten at McDonald's once in the past decade. Well, I've been there once - I can't remember if I ate there. I used to LOVE that place, but my metabolism won't keep up with those calories anymore. The days of getting three triple cheeseburgers because they're on sale for $1/each are over for me...thank goodness - that used to make me ill even in my 20s. :D
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