Very nice theater room!! Great job on the layout, color & with the stadium seating!!
Ok so the STF-2 will be a step up from what you have for sure. The STF-2 is rated by HSU for your room size. The question of will it be enough however is a matter of perspective. I myself wouldnt feel the STF-2 would be enough. But i have a feeling that you & i have different requirements with bass. The STf-2 will sound good & will be better than you have.
The FV-12 is a step up from the STF-2. To me it is definately worth the extra $150 or so. Double check but i think youd need to pay shipping on the STF-2 but the FV-12 is $500 shipped. So the price may not be that different. In that case for sure step up to the FV-12.
Besides having more output, AKA volume, the FV-12 will go lower. So even if the 2 subs were playing at the same volume, you would hear lower frequencies with the Fv-12. So for instance, the WarOfTheWorlds scene you heard at the shop, that has some <20hz signals. The FV-12 will dig deeper & sound closer to what was meant to be heard.
Again, its not so much the extra volume we are recommending for you (youve made it clear you dont like that) its the lower bass & cleaner sound we want you to have. The FV-12 wont have to work near as hard as the Goldenear you heard. So distortion is minimized giving you smoother, grin inducing bass