Nobody to my knowledge. He is likely referring to us. I tried emailing him awhile back to discuss his measurement results and he did not want an open dialogue. It's too bad really as it would have been nice to have multiple review sites posting consistent results to allow consumers to compare apples to apples in case on publication hasn't reviewed a particular product another one has.
Also having multiple sources validate a each other prevents manufacturers from refuting test results if they aren't to their liking.
Oh well
This is what is so unfortunate. Even though AHs/Josh's results seem to correspond almost perfectly with SVS and others while Brent's do not (well, except apparently the VTF-15 on its 2nd or 3rd try IIRC), if I was Brent I'd want to better understand the reasoning why. I.e., I'm sure everyone could learn from each other on how they do these measurements to make the process that much more reliable and better for all readers.
If I was a professional reviewer, I know I'd be keenly interested in ensuring my reviews were comparable to my peers, and if they were well off the onus would be on me to figure out why. The DD-15 just sticks out like a sore thumb in my opinion as the CEA numbers just don't seem realistically possible for any 15" driver in a sealed box that size with 1250 watts applied to it, let alone compared to your own DD-15 and DD-18 tests.
Instead now we have comments floating around of "CEA testing can result in drastically different measurements from one person to the next" to justify the differences.
Even though, heck, ignoring Ed's comments above, you could take Josh's PB13 measurements and compare them to Ilkka's from back in 2007 or 2008 within a couple db's across the board (save IIRC below 20hz), most of which is fully explainable by the fact that the PB13 Josh reviewed had the new amp which added 1 to 2db's by virtue of it's additional 250 watts or so. Two different subs, several years later!