Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
Amazon is confusing me. I have two products that, sometimes it says 1 or 2 people found them helpful, then it will say they didn't. Even if my profile shows the helpful votes, the product page doesn't.

I'd say that I don't care...but you all know that's not true. :) I spent a decent amount of time on both, and if the votes don't show up, then my reviews slide off the page as new people add reviews.


Audioholic Jedi
Hee, hee. That's a good one.

I've got a dream or two, but I'm not about to make them AH property.
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Audioholic Jedi
Alex and Baniels, do you remember how your earbuds were shipped - FedEx, UPS, USPS?


Audioholic Jedi
I see that the Deuce is making friends again. :D

Did not say no speakers, or no amp. It's just an amplified cd system. CD player has remote gain. Please don't EDIT a quote from me.:rolleyes:
MIS-Quoted by by adwilk
Originally Posted by zumbo

Throw the EQ in the garbage. I am running the best sounding system I have ever owned with just a cd player. No receiver, no pre-amp, no bass, no treble, no amp, no speakers, and damn sure no eq.

Did not say no amp, no speakers.


Audioholic Samurai
I just got into the mix. Well, kinda. Okay, not really. I'm no Alex. :p
Where is Alex? He could be the voice of reason on this one.:)
Figures he's out shopping for a new bottle of sugar substitute when we need him the most.


Audioholic Slumlord
Zumbo and el Duce can probably handle that but I got roped into cooking maybe my last dairy meal. Cheese and spinach ravioli with a clam vodka sauce. I'm using organic butter too. It's for the girl! :rolleyes:

Don't judge me ... :p

... at least there is spinach in the ravioli. I wanted sausage ravioli but she said no. :(
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