Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
Found out the recent ex is pregnant and engaged today. Alcohol recommendations????
Don't over do it on a Sunday night. You have work tomorrow morning. :D

Seriously, for a proper recommendation we are going to need to know your budget and whether or not you will be going out and if you're alone in this premeditated black out. There are several expert drinkers on these forums that can be of assistance.


Audioholic Ninja
Isn't it Saturday??? I hope... Times like these require deep pockets if necessary. I'm fully committed to the cause and will remove any budget constraints. With the Holidays quickly approaching its likely best to iron a douche bag shirt and go out and find some poor girl not looking forward to the impending loneliness. I'm afraid I'll be facing this one alone. Most of my "go to" drinking buddies are back home with suspended drivers licenses. Does that help???


Audioholic Jedi
Found out the recent ex is pregnant and engaged today. Alcohol recommendations????
How pregnant...and how recently exed? :eek: :p

Btw, is the alcohol for you or the girl trying to avoid holiday loneliness?


Audioholic Jedi
Just finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Hearing "philosopher's" instead of "sorcerer's" wasn't as big of a kick as I had hoped for.

As a pick me up, though, Number Two is posting again! :D Looks like I need to go get some booze for a little sympathy drinking tonight...


Audioholic Slumlord
Out alone with money ... well that open things up a bit. I liked Knob Creek for that punishing trachea burn tummy volcano goes down like nails I am so not feeling sorry for my self fist pounding bar good time. On the other hand if you're relieved to have her out of your hair but for good this time there is the sweet goodness of do some Sambuca Romana shots with me because you are so funnnnyyyyyyy I feel like I've known you all my life do you want to come to Missouri with me because my friends over there are such a riot that last week they flew to Paris for crepes those maniacs I love them and they would love you.

Uhmmm ... you don't have a problem lieing, do you?

Take your phone with you in case you run out of lies. There's a million more where that came from. ;)


Audioholic Ninja
How pregnant...and how recently exed? :eek: :p

Btw, is the alcohol for you or the girl trying to avoid holiday loneliness?
Just a few weeks... Put it this way, there was a chance that it was mine, the fact that it was only a chance is why we aren't together. I'm sure its all for the best. Whatever. She can take her lying, f*** a snake if it'll hold still, filled up uterus elsewhere.



Audioholic Ninja
Out alone with money ... well that open things up a bit. I liked Knob Creek for that punishing trachea burn tummy volcano goes down like nails I am so not feeling sorry for my self fist pounding bar good time. On the other hand if you're relieved to have her out of your hair but for good this time there is the sweet goodness of do some Sambuca Romana shots with me because you are so funnnnyyyyyyy I feel like I've known you all my life do you want to come to Missouri with me because my friends over there are such a riot that last week they flew to Paris for crepes those maniacs I love them and they would love you.

Uhmmm ... you don't have a problem lieing, do you?

Take your phone with you in case you run out of lies. There's a million more where that came from. ;)
Problem lying? Your posts are so thoughtful, Alex. I really appreciate all of them. Seriously.

How do you think I got a girlfriend in the first place?

Hmmmm.... The Paris story is a good one. Or backpacking across western europe (bonus points if anybody knows the reference) Tonight might be the night for the ol "how'd ya like to go halvsies on a bastard child" routine.

Did I ever tell you about the time I bumped into Michael Buble on the driving range and we ended up playing a round of golf together...? Turns out he was really intrigued and bit jealous of my inner artistic spirit. I've just never found the right girl to help me write my love song.

Not lying, I actually heard a guy say that to a girl at a bar. He followed that with- HEY! I make Twenty-four FIVE a year...... on paper. Whats that do for ya?

Seriously though, I am a bit bummed about this whole situation. She was the primary reason I moved out here- I had purchased an engagement ring before I came and the works. Oh, and the kicker... Her dad and I are business partners. Just opened the doors to our new facility here. Sweet.


Audioholic Slumlord
Put it this way, there was a chance that it was mine, the fact that it was only a chance is why we aren't together. I'm sure its all for the best. Whatever. She can take her lying, f*** a snake if it'll hold still, filled up uterus elsewhere.
This calls for alternating shots of Sambuca and Knob Creek.

My father I swear told me once, "Nobody's life is easy, especially yours."

Sorry to hear that bit of news. Take a cab.


Audioholic Jedi
...the fact that it was only a chance is why we aren't together. I'm sure its all for the best. Whatever. She can take her lying, f*** a snake if it'll hold still, filled up uterus elsewhere.
Dang, man, really sorry to see that. One of my best friends years ago was on the marriage path when he found out the same thing about his gf. I got that vibe about her once, but it still came as a total shock.

It worked out for the best, though. He moved back to the midwest, is married to a great gal, and they have a cute little boy now. His ex? Based on her FB photo, I'd say she's still a professional c*m dumpster.


Audioholic Jedi
I fear that I'm going to be too lazy to go to the store and get any good beer. MGD 64, anyone? [Shivers.] Maybe vodka and almond milk.

Uggg. Darn my laziness.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I just bombed my biz law test. I think my teacher was drunk when he wrote the test. There were so many spelling errors that it was distracting. It's just one of those nights where I have to take off my pants...

Putting on my thermal underwear makes me feel so good :D


Audioholic Spartan
Adwilk, #2 my brotha... I knew from the tone of one of your FB posts awhile back that it wasn't a good break. Do what ya gotta but don't be dumb.

In my older married situation when I'm "in a way" I drink and play music from the day really loud. Seams to help... I guess.:confused::):eek:

Oh... I agree with Uncle Oscar... Buca rules. (I don't keep it in the house anymore!:D)


Audioholic Slumlord
Buca rules. (I don't keep it in the house anymore!:D)
I hate it when you use words I don't understand. I scoured the net to figure out it was Sam'Buca'. At first I thought 'Buca Rules' was a code of conduct and 'not keeping it in the house' was like letting the dogs out or some sh!t. This language of yours is a mess but I'm trying to unravel it.

The thing with Buca and Knob Creek (aka D!ck River :D) is that they are 90 proof and that little extra will get you hurtin' for certain. Oh ... I hate to say it but ... nah, I better not.


Audioholic Ninja
Adwilk, #2 my brotha... I knew from the tone of one of your FB posts awhile back that it wasn't a good break. Do what ya gotta but don't be dumb.

In my older married situation when I'm "in a way" I drink and play music from the day really loud. Seams to help... I guess.:confused::):eek:

Oh... I agree with Uncle Oscar... Buca rules. (I don't keep it in the house anymore!:D)
Thanks, man... I found a few Mich Ultras and I'm getting some work done from home. The situation hasn't been good for a pretty good while, on and off again, but the new news hit me a little heavier than normal today. I'm not going to do anything too incredibly dumb... just keeping my chin up and getting the work done that will get me back home the soonest.

I'll get the Buca tomorrow and save it for the last night in SC.


Audioholic Spartan
"incredibly dumb"

You know we shudder when subjective terms like this are thrown around frivolously.:D

BTW you and #1 and the Ultras...
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