Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
I got my Move starter pack today. That camera is smaller than I thought - pretty sweet! I just ordered a charging station for the Move controllers on a lightning deal.


Audioholic Jedi
Three more days of work until a 26-day vacation. Boo...wait for it...lya. I can't wait to spend more time with my girl. I better stock up on chicken and ham - so that she'll feel the same way. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Always thinking ahead my fellow European who likes to post humungoid pictures that take me 20 minutes to scroll through but that's okay because I got nothing better to do anyway. :p Actually I gotta go do stuff today before my time off runs out so too da loo ;)
You need higher screen resolution, don't you have 5000×3000 ?


Audioholic Slumlord
You need higher screen resolution,

don't you have 5000×3000 ?

I imagine you know by now that my computer Kung Fu is weak so it should be no surprise that the numbers are meaningless to me because I am so unfamiliar with them. That's mostly due to a lack of interest but seriously the numbers you mention, wouldn't you end up with microscopic text?

I just looked up my screen resolution. It's 1024x768. Is there a way to just increase the size of the text in windows, not the text in the message boxes as can be set in Control Panel > Display > Appearances?

Anyway I'm finally going to RTFM for real on the 2600. Yep ... stand back, I'm going in. BTW all you guys who are good with computers and manuals suck balls. :p


Audioholic Jedi
I thought you were saving some for July, to head out here?
Oh, no worries. I'll have plenty for that. I have a bunch left for this month because I only took half a day of vacation all year before October. Busy, busy - but no complaints at all about that! I'm not going to whine about having a job these days. :D


Audioholic Jedi
You need higher screen resolution, don't you have 5000×3000 ?
:eek: Do you? :)

I just looked up my screen resolution. It's 1024x768. Is there a way to just increase the size of the text in windows, not the text in the message boxes as can be set in Control Panel > Display > Appearances?
Which text do you mean? If you want to increase text (and everything else) in Firefox, for example, you can hit "Ctrl +" (and "Ctrl -" will shrink it, and "Ctrl 0" will return it to the default). Many programs will let you zoom in and out.

BTW all you guys who are good with computers and manuals suck balls. :p
Well, all you guys who do manual labor and struggle with computers like chicks.

Yeah, that's right. How do you like it when someone throws stuff like that out there? :mad:

:p :D


Audioholic Slumlord
If you want to increase text (and everything else) in Firefox, for example, you can hit "Ctrl +" (and "Ctrl -" will shrink it, and "Ctrl 0" will return it to the default). Many programs will let you zoom in and out.
I don't want to increase everything else. I have a scroll wheel on my mouse that act as the + and - when I press Ctrl and the scroll wheel has a left & right tilt for scrolling that way. I understand that but that is an excellent example of how basic instructions need to be for me to understand. Thanks. I'm pretty sure that I just need a bigger monitor in a widescreen aspect ratio.

Matter of fact my L&R scroll feature got disabled and I figured out it was because of something I disabled in my Start Up programs. Here's the part where I feel that I deserve a cookie for fixing it. Not only did I have to enable it to work but I also had to restart the computer for it to turn itself on with the start up process. I mention this to illustrate how steep a learning curve I am on.

Kudos to you for going in on a Saturday. :)


What do I want for Christmas?

I usually have my eye on something, but I'm failing to have prepared my selfish desires.

Already got a new amp for my birthday.
Oppo 93 from last x-mas is going strong.
Speakers are done.

What do I "need" now in the 400-500 range?
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