Kneel before Alex...



Audioholic Jedi
For it is on this day that he has achieved the elite rank of Overlord! Although he showed an uncommon level of humbleness by putting off his promotion for some time, he knew deep down that this day was inevitable. Therefore, earlier this morning, he pressed the "Submit Reply" button and stepped into history.

Alex, from your first humble post:
Audioholics reviewed the Monster 3500 something or another. Favorably I might add. So I bought one from eBay but have yet to hook up anything substantial. $165 w/ 1 yr satisfaction guarantee.
To the one that brought you to this rare and coveted status:
Adam's respect ... :)
It has been a real pleasure having you here!

Oh, and it's good to be Overlord. :D



Audioholic Spartan
10000 posts of loving care from a Cheshire ginning monkey. What did we do to deserve this? What level of hell are we in anyway? Overlord underlord oh my lord.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm not so sure about the "kneeling" part, :eek:, but congrats Alex on this monumental occasion.

You now, officially, have no life. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Is that spandex wrapped around a banana? What a great idea!


Audioholic Jedi
I thought you guys said you were going to cut back on that a bit?:confused:
You should have seen some of the wording that I held back from using. :)

"Knowing this day was inevitable, he siezed the thrown just like it was the back of Rick's head."

I mostly left that out because I didn't want the others to be jealous. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
All kidding aside ... thanks.

I've learned plenty, saved a bunch and have had the pleasure of meeting some first class folks through this forum, some in person and some just on line. I've also had the pleasure of watching some real egg heads grace these pages but as I think Swerd puts it, it takes all kinds to fill the freeway.

What gets me is that by now you'd think I'd know more ... :confused:


Audioholic General
Wow 10,000 posts. Congrats on your achievment, Here's to 10,000 more.:)


Audioholic Overlord
Congrats to you Alex. Nice to have you around. Oh, it has also been nice you bought a few things from me too. Anyways, enjoy my friend. be sure to drink one for me because I don't drink anymore.




Audioholic Jedi
Next time you're up this way swing by and I'll show
you some of the more serious dives in existence.
We'll start at the one that threw me out. ;)
I'd wet myself, and not in a good way. People scare me, and scary people...well...also scare me.

Then again, maybe the women there have self-esteems just low enough that I might have a shot. "Hey, baby, I'm a post whore." "Ewww, so am I! Wait, what kind of post are you talking about?"


Audioholic Slumlord
People scare me, and scary people...well...also scare me.
A ways back I was leaving Boston and stopped at this gas station/liquor store to fill up for the ride home and saw this guy that I knew pretty well tending to his car. Unbeknownst to me he had spotted me looking at him but didn't recognize me as I was in his periphery. He purposely avoided eye contact because he figured I was just some wacko Masshole eyeballing him and he just didn't need any of that. So I waited until he had to walk past me to go pay inside and barked at him. You should have seen how relieved he was when he figured out that he knew me. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Reminds me of a time in high school. I was at a restaurant in a nearby town with some friends and went to the restroom. I was at the urinal when the door opens and somebody walks in. Someone walks up behind me and I hear this deep voice say in a very aggresive tone, "Hey, faggot." I didn't turn around or say a thing. I just started to get a bit nervous. Then, I hear the voice get angrier and say, "Hey! I'm talking to you, FAGGOT!" I'm thinking, great, I'm about to get the livin' s**t beat out of me...and in an effing bathroom of all places. I turn around, and it's my a-hole best friend who starts laughing his a** off. :D

(BTW, I'm not trying to demean anyone. I'm just quoting what he said.)


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm not trying to demean anyone.

Very poor choice of words on the thread title and a seemingly perfect fit image wise for said poor choice of words and this is not at all political, sexual or religious so I think I got all my bases covered.

Well, it is a little gay but I'll just save Rick the effort ... NTTAWWT :D
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