Nothing against Mark, but that'll mean more to me once we have biological computers.
That doesn't mean that it's catching everything.
It may not catch everything. Who knows what some crafty malicious nerd may think up?
reviews like this show it does as well or better than anything else.
Previously I was using AVG free version for virus and I admit I did not have a problem
However Spyware was another matter. Spybot, really slowed the computer down and let significant amounts of Spyware through.
So I went to Malaware. This slowed the computer less, but also let Spyware through.
I have been using Microsoft Essential for a couple of months now. The computers are fast. It is seamless and is batting 100% so far.
That is my experience. I have to say it is head and shoulders over any other programs I have used.
As one aside, the only virus I ever had, I know for certain was downloaded in a Norton antivirus update! It was a very bad one as well.
When I went to Norton support, they admitted the problem and said I had to purchase a competitors product to solve the problem.
So you can guess what happened to the Norton program on my computers.
If I have a problem with Microsoft Essentials I will post and alert you all promptly.
By the way, some have kept their other programs after installing Microsoft Security Essentials, to see if the program works. This you must NOT do. This will create serious security problems. You must remove all other anti virus and Malaware programs before installation. This is very important.