So I'm at my local Best Buy checking out some Klipsch speakers. It's a beautiful fictional day. The sun is shining, there are attractive ladies everywhere. Whatever...
Anyway, I say to the salesmen... Do you know if these cabinets are internally braced? And he replies, all of our speakers are built with the highest of standards! Next I ask what materials are used in the crossover network. He shrugs his head and continues thinking about whatever teenagers think about. Then I ask him to show me, but for
some reason he refuses to pull out a woofer so I can peer inside! Apparently stores
don't let you pull loudspeakers apart to check out their internal design.
Maybe it's just me, but the advice in this article seems a bit impractical. In many cases pulling out a woofer or tweeter would void your warranty! Aside from the knock test there really isn't much you can do without becoming the new owner...