Now your stating the Neo3's were
great tweets also, but DM uses the Neo's High Performance Wideband, Planar Magnetic Transducer for the Mid-Range, and the RAAL Ribbon for the Tweet so it seems to me, am I missing something?
Let's put aside the specs for a moment, as ADTG loves the On/Off Axis specs... but I know that every speaker sounds different, even if their specs are identical.
In the end, what counts is do we think they are just OK/GOOD or GREAT, and the sound envelopes us into wanting more of that sound. Many speakers are just down right tiring, and boring. I am sure that is not the case with the PH's if they have that Salk SoundScape Signature of Sound, they will be GREAT!!
Can not wait for more reviews surely coming soon on the Phil's.
My dilemma is replacing my Klipsch RF-82II's for Front Left and Rights with the Phil 3's, am I getting that "DREAM SPEAKER" with the sound that fits right for me.
The Klipsch's are no slouches, just that I know something is missing as they use that horn for reaching down into the mid-range, and also the higher end of the spectrum. Basically, two way with no separate Mid Driver, and that Snare Drum is barely alive with my Klipsch's... not like what I have heard in the SoundScapes, and if DM can reproduce the SoundScapes Sonic Signature in his Phil's we all will have a BIG WINNER!!