ok from now on, this is my thread for all of my computer problems.... i have enough threads in this category already. so ill get on my itunes problem in a second but i have a problem that i've had the whole time i've had this computer but haven't mentioned till now (strange because its a pretty big problem).
my problem is pretty much random crashes.
in the beginning i thought it was my ram, either bad ram or overheating. i bought some mushkin ram with heatsinks on it and....... to be honest....... i have done no gaming on it since i upgraded. i tried red faction immediately after i installed it and it crash immediately.
its not just the programs crashing either... heres how it goes:
doing something on my computer (i've noticed it happens mostly when im doing gpu intensive tasks but lately its been happening while watching 360p youtube videos for extended periods of time) > monitor shuts its self off (dpms mode off i think it says, normal for it if the computer goes to sleep or something) > a few seconds pass during which i realize it did it again and attempt to mute the audio in preparation for the next part > audio keeps repeating really fast, keyboard stops responding, hdd led stays lit > turn computer off > computer knows something went wrong and asks me if i want to use safe mode > i choose no > computer starts fine and everything seems to work fine > a few hours - a day later, process repeats
like i said, i thought it was the ram.... nope
now im thinking the gpu but why does my audio go all crazy if it is?
im also wondering if it could be my processor, because its just complete junk
but now im thinking maybe the hard drive (s), i just noticed they are both running at 51C which apparently is bad. im about to re locate the hard drives into the top 2 5.25 bays which now have an old laptop cooler fan in them so maybe that will help
i just have no idea what it could be

could it also be a total defective motherboard?
never had these problems with my hp....... but with that i had what i had and there was no option to upgrade. but it did have heatpipes... but hp made it to only fit that mobo
this is the ghetto fan
edit: i moved the hdds and they are running cooler so far but i just turned on my computer a few mins ago, i also remover my wintv-pvr 150 because its usless with 4gb of ram so that will cut down on heat and ive noticed ANOTHER problem.... not a huge one because i have an external dual layer dvd burner, and..... forget it, we can worry about it after we fix everything else