It's still early! i have a ton of homework due tuesday, my mom is in town until monday, and I have a test in this class on thursday. so... I need to get crackin
Talking about living on the wild side there D, if you keep going at this pace you might be in bed by ten.
Went out with the family to eat had a nice time, until we ran into a wannabe thug. I saw him from a distance at first and didn't pay him no mind as we are walking one way he's coming form the opposite direction for some reason he thinks it a good ideal to plow through us, in the process he knocked down my daughter which is was a bad ideal and he just made matters worse for himself when he uttered move the F*** out of the way.
All I remember is hearing the that and the next thing I remember was the cops holding me back and him on the ground not moving or saying anything, I'm usually an easy going guy and I don't advocate violence to resolve issues but this guy just pushed the wrong button. I thought for awhile that I was going to get arrested but there were some witnesses that heard and saw what happened Thank God for them other wise my next posting would be from the prison library on 26th and California.
Other than that it was just another uneventful day.