YUP. Indoors you get lots of room gain. Indoors with the mike even a couple of inches from the cone, you measure mostly the room influence. Most of what reaches your ears in the real world is reflected sound. Unfortunately, we don't want to measure the room, we want to measure the speaker, so I must drag my fat butt (apparently an angry butt) outside to get good data with a $5000 instrument (Clio). Then it gets challenged for being not like what Hsu measures with the cheapest of all available popular systems, LMS. LMS, not even set to maximum number of points, or high precision mode, or with the mike far enough away, or with the cabinet oriented in the position which will provide the greatest accuracy. WOW!! We get more bass than you! Sure you do. More you get, the more you $ell.
Then the forums rage with folks taking sides without having all the data, mush less sufficient experience. I may be a little angry, but frankly I am much more dissapointed. I remember one time spending 30 minutes in Frankfurt explaining to a dealer that if I can control the content of the power test signal, I can make that 500 Watt woofer fail with 100 Watts in or pass with 1000 watt signals. After a half hour of my time, he looks over to another salesman and says "500 Watts is 500 Watts". Should I be angry? Maybe, maybe not. Disappointed and feeling unappreciated for the effort put in, definitely. If I have so little expertise, why would Dr Hsu ask me to build drivers for him 10 years ago when I worked at American Speaker in San Fernando California? If there are differences in the numbers you need to ask why. But this is politics. Unless you guys follow the money, you will NEVER understand the why part.... This is a business guys.
If I can show you a curve at a low level that means I can make 20 Hz, and I neglect to mention it's not loud enough to give you 20-30 db of dynamic range at that frequency, am I a smart businessman for getting you a product that hits your pricepoint, or am I suckering you into buying an inferior product? One of my charges was to understand the design philosophy and intent in the product design. When I asked him those questions, the immediate and sole answer I got from Poh Hsu was "ROSEWOOD FOR $999". Guys, go figure it out. Here is your last clue...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$