The Rythmik sub was unique in one way during the compression testing vs frequency. As you can see from the curve above, at the highest output level (the gray curve, as this sweep, 14 seconds long from 400 Hz to 10 Hz) triggered the sensor or compressor about the time we hit 80 Hz. As the signal continued to sweep lower, in a very short period of time, the compression released, allowing the signal to peak again right at about 60 Hz, and then before it got down to 50 Hz, the compressor becomes active again. This happens AGAIN at about 32 Hz, and as you can see as the sweep runs lower, the compressor releases and then returns several times in quick succession. Now it could be argued that music does not have any sweeping tones that range across more than a decade (400 to 40 Hz is one decade) and last 14 seconds in length. They would be quite correct. However, I cannot help but relate this to instances where I was listening to music and the output seemed to suddenly jump out as if the volume control was being rotated without any help from my fingers. I would suggest that the use of a longer hold time or integration time be considered based not so much on the signal sweep test shown above, but on my own sense that the sub seemed to go from too quiet, to just too loud all on its own frequently during its operation.
As we can clearly see from the curves above, frequency response is NOT independent of level, and if the system is pushed hard enough, it will roll off below 30 Hz, yet at lower power outputs, is certainly flat down to 20 Hz. (Red curve) at the bottom.
Editorial Note about the Limiter Feature of the FV15HP Subwoofer
The limiter in FV15HP is defeatable. However, I had chosen to test the subwoofer with limiter ON. The curves with limiter off should be smoother and without this short hold time issue I noted. As for this hold time duration issue, it is a design trade-off. Shorter hold time can recover fast and provides more output over the same period of time. On the other hand, my preference is to have longer hold time duration as I stated above. I tested the H600PEQ amplifier with my review unit which engaged the limiter with the power switch set to "auto". Since that time, the amp has been updated to the H600PEQ2 model with a discrete on/off switch for the limiter.