HSU didn't even respond to the sub shootout for a long time so they're not exempt.
Fair enough. I haven't been following this subwoofer shootout. I just skimmed through the shootout thread really quickly to get a basic idea of which companies were in and which ones were out (and why).
That said, I
think HSU's delay might have had something to do with the choice of model. The VTF-15H is their newest model and was only made available quite recently.
To be clear though, I'm not trying to
defend HSU's delay in response. If Audioholics asked them early on, HSU could have easily responded and sent a ULS-15 or something.
I don't know all the ins-and-outs and what all went on with when Audioholics sent out requests and when various companies got back to them. As this article pointed out though, no subwoofer was "perfect", nor are any of the companies!
I made my previous comments based upon my own experience. Every manufacturer promised me the moon, but extremely few were able to actually come through. I've gone through 4 separate subwoofer-buying experiences now. Each time with more comparisons and in-home auditions, and from a greater number of companies each time. HSU has simply been the most consistent in
my experience. I've never had a problem with them being unable to provide the subwoofer I wanted due to some backorder or waiting-for-a-boat-from-China issue. I've never had to wait weeks just to hear back some sort of reply to one of my e-mails. Dr. Hsu has been, by far, the most available and open-to-discussion founder I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. And - the most important thing - HSU's subs have always
performed either the best, or extremely close to the best out of all the comparisons I have made. Combine the purchasing experience with the performance AND the consistently low prices and I've simply come to trust HSU more than the other subwoofer companies that I have tried.
HSU is not perfect. Their subwoofers are not perfect. But they are darn good and they are the ONLY subwoofer manufacturer that has never been a source of a severe headache for me. So that's why I said what I did. I've got enough problems of other sorts to deal with. So when it comes to subwoofers, I've just stopped torturing myself is all
Hsu is a great company, but I don't think you can really slam Rythmik or Funkywaves, as I have heard nothing but good things about those businesses either. Same with Outlaw Audio's subs, which are really just more Hsu subs. Emotiva looks like it has a couple nice little subs too, but I suppose one criticism you could make against them is that the pricing hasn't really been stable since they were released.
I didn't mention Rythmik or Funkywaves by name because I agree with you
I haven't tried Funkywaves - I very likely will when my next subwoofer purchase comes along.
Rythmik, I've tried. I just really don't agree with the whole "direct-servo" design. Due to the feedback signal of the servo, distortion increases exponentially as you increase the amplitude (loudness) of the signal. It's the reason why Rythmik subwoofers are generally considered to be excellent at low or normal volumes, but are not revered for sheer output. Crank them up loud and they just can't deliver. The servo is one way of keeping the low-to-normal volume output very clean, but it becomes a detriment at high output levels.
Like I said in my first reply to this thread - I'm not the least bit surprised by which companies actually made it all the way through this shootout and that they are the 4 companies that came out as "the best of the batch". I can't speak personally, from experience, about Funkywaves, but the other three line up perfectly with my personal experience. I've just come to trust HSU the most because I listen at reference (115db peaks for the subwoofers!) and the Rythmik subs couldn't keep up at those volume levels. And SVS is more expensive and is ALWAYS on backorder.
So, when I want a new subwoofer, I just find it easiest to go with HSU - after all of my trials and tribulations. They perform extremely well, their prices are extremely competitive (often the lowest) and they've never had a problem getting a subwoofer to me as soon as I order it. But I can totally respect the other subwoofer brands in this shootout - especially based only on performance. I can also totally understand why all of the other brands either backed out or were cut from the competition.
The REAL subwoofer companies survive these sorts of trials and it's simply my own experience that HSU has been the most consistent.