I've been in teaching for 10+ years and our operating budgets have been cut every single year. If that is throwing money at the problem, apparently I work in the wrong district.
Rickster, you seem to have a personal grudge against educators. Did you have a bad experience in school? Or is it you think we have it too easy? If so, I encourage you to volunteer or get involved with a local school to see what is really involved in teaching. It's not the cakewalk many think it is. If you think the workday ends when the last bell rings, you are mistaken. I'm willing to bet when your work day ends, that's it and you can go home and not think about work until the next day. Teachers have to be prepared before showing up for work the next day. Sometimes that means staying late to set up labs, sometimes grading papers or tests, but it's usually something and that's not counting coaching or club activities.
Yes, the union sometimes protects poor teachers and that is something that needs to be fixed. The example of the NJ teacher making over 90k a year is ridiculous, though I was floored by the amount. Around here, the max at retirement is around $68k with a masters degree and an additional 30 credits. As for the union not allowing changes, it is only partly true. The largest barriers to change are state laws already in place. If you are unhappy about them, I suggest getting in touch with your congressmen/women and let them know how you feel.