Chu, just curious, what was your relationship with Mark Schifter? I remember back in the day at HTF you used to recommend their products. Did you ever get the shaft from the shift or did you just start to put the pieces together based on what others were saying?
After putting the pieces together based on what others were saying, I think Chu is Schifter's russian ex-mistress, and like they say, hell has no fury like a woman scorned!
I think many realized
something was wrong with Schifter/, something fishy, but Chu was the one to actually dig deeper than just the surface, and being the investigative hero that he is, this happened!
While I'm thoroughly disscusted (sp?)
I think you mean that you've been undiscussed, as in, your discussions were removed, aka: undiscussed...

I think you mean disgusted, from disgust

Btw, I'm surprised that you're still surprised about these kind of things, one would think that you'd have learned your lesson by now...
Just yesterday on the radio they were talking about a case in Europe where someone had embezzled a bunch of rich idiots and had scammed them out of millions in the span of years, and when it became known that the guy was a crook and a scammer, they still refused to believe that they had been had and he was not the guru he had convinced them he was... It actually took a long time of therapy before they finally realized they had been had.
I think you're still wearing your pink sun glasses, might be the time to remove them and look at things realistically...
I was never personally harmed or taken advantage of. Lied to.... yes. But, I'm a big boy and have been lied to by many others before and will be again. So, I can deal with that.
Well if you think that, you've deluded yourself. You've been used, you've been a fantastic marketing tool, you've probably helped them to gain credibility, probably sell a couple of items, enroll others to join the bandwagon and also participate in the hype and all that, really, probably help denigrate/fight anyone not hyping or criticizing them, you might be a big boy but you've definitely been taken advantage of. Unless you were aware that he was a crook, never donated for any cause, never praised them or recommended them, etc... Which I somewhat doubt...
Anyhow, I think this is considered noise here and was asked to be refrained from adding any more...