I think it's also tied into things like timing and the sort of coverage - local or national - something like this gets. Take Hurricane Katrina for example. The public sympathy, shock, or whatever you want to call it was pretty great in and around that time. Heck there was even national coverage that had to do with whether the Red Cross was allocating the monies correctly. And when there were screwups or talk of victims being taken advantage of, it received enormous public exposure all over the place. You had congressional hearings, task forces being created, agencies like the FBI, Justice Department, and others working in concert to prosecute fraud. A couple of years later, and while we're still pretty pissed off at what MLS did, the general public outrage isn't that great outside of the audio enthusiast's world. There's only been a few newspaper mentions and nothing that I can recall concerning TV or radio coverage. Hence, to my mind, there's just not as much political hay that can be made now. Like him or not, had this hit the O'Reilly Factor or something similar, that would've kicked things into a higher gear.
As near as I can tell, MLS is finished in the audio world and not just for the raffle business. Let's not forget that he's welched on suppliers and customers. We know now that he's full of hot air and has mislead the public time and again. There's not a reputable supplier who would consider doing business with MLS directly. You're not going to find him dealing with known entities when it comes to sourcing drivers. He'll have to go through intermediaries that act as covers. Would SEAS or Vifa deal with him at this time? Look what happened when Arte Forma got the inside scoop on him. The only places that I can see might be some lesser known Chinese suppliers. And I'll bet Pu's ear is tuned mighty carefully so that if he hears about anyone of note looking to do business with him, he'll just give them an FYI. Do some of you recall when MLS was looking to be a Xindak supplier? Remember nothing happened and when asked about it, he offered some lame excuse? Well that's what happens when people in the industry talk among themselves.