I had some good news yesterday. The shop dug around their parts drawer and found the other springs I need so I should have my shifters back next week. I cannot wait. It is a mix of Campy record, chorus and new carbon centaur cranks and derailleur. The record shifters are the oldest and have 10000 miles on them so they were in desperate need of work.
I'm at almost the same weight. I'm dropped about 15 in the last few weeks. I'd like to go down another 20 then I may actually be fast. I went out with the race group last night and I did ok and at least I did not leave my lunch on the road.
The race we put on this past weekend went very well. We had over 200 racers and a decent size pro field.
If you want to do the Iron Man race out here next year in Lake Placid I can put you and the family up.